December 2017
The World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting, held in collaboration with the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference 2017, drew researchers from across the globe to share research and knowledge and build research capacity.
Held at the Education University of Hong Kong from November 30 to December 2, this joint meeting attracted approximately 500 graduate students, scholars, and other education researchers, who participated in paper sessions, symposia, and workshops focused on topics specific to education research, science education development, education research methods, schools, and schooling.
The theme of the 2017 conference was “Innovation, Reform and Education Change in a Contemporary World.” The research presented drew from emerging systemic global education reforms and challenges to provide theoretical, practical, and methodological approaches and instruments for improving sustainable development in education. The scope of the sessions extended across the education stages, addressing research on early childhood education, primary and secondary schooling, higher education, and workforce and adult education and learning around the globe.
Felice Levine, AERA executive director and WERA president, delivered the opening keynote address: “Why Open Science in Education Research—Building a Consensus Together.” Her talk focused on how embracing the underlying principles of open science can increase research transparency and expand knowledge around the world. She urged that data sharing, citation, and access, in particular at the article publishing stage, be elevated as a topic at the meeting and on the global agenda of the field.
Other keynote addresses discussed issues in education reform, teaching and learning, and teacher education from global perspectives. These addresses helped set the tone for Focal Meeting paper sessions on embracing worldwide perspectives and knowledge in science and learning.
Beyond the keynote addresses, paper presentations, and symposia sessions, senior scholars led research skill-building and training workshops from a global perspective on topics such as successful academic publishing and examining opportunity to learn using the TIMSS and PISA international data sets. Mentoring and professional development were provided through the WERA Doctoral and Early Career Network, which seeks to foster relationships among graduate students, early career scholars, and senior faculty and researchers.
Founded in 2009, WERA comprises major research associations around the world dedicated to advancing education research as a scientific and scholarly field. AERA is a founding member of WERA. The 2017 Focal Meeting marked WERA’s eighth collaboration with a WERA member association on a worldwide conference. Several current and former leaders of AERA have served on the WERA Council, including former AERA presidents Eva Baker, Lorraine McDonnell, Carol Lee, Arnetha Ball, and Barbara Schneider.
In August 2018, WERA will hold a World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, which will feature education research that includes multiple countries or is comparative, cross-cultural, international, or transnational in conceptualization, scope, or design. The deadline to submit proposals is January 10, 2018.