December 2017 AERA member Kathleen Corriveau (Boston University) has been selected as a 2018 Early Career Impact Award recipient by the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences (FABBS).
Corriveau is an associate professor in human development at Boston University’s School of Education, where she directs the Social Learning Laboratory. Her research focuses on social and cognitive development in childhood, with a specific focus on how children decide what people and what information are trustworthy sources. She is also interested in language and reading development, cross-cultural differences, and the role of parenting in children’s social and emotional development.
The award is presented to early career scientists who have made major contributions to the science of mind, brain, and behavior. It will be officially conferred at the 2018 AERA Annual Meeting, where Corriveau will also speak about her research.
AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine congratulated Corriveau and thanked her for her scholarship and contributions, which advance knowledge, benefit society, and enhance the public visibility of education science.
FABBS announced its award winners during its annual meeting on December 4 in Washington, D.C. AERA is a member of the FABBS Council of Representatives. FABBS will soon be adding the 2018 winners to its website.