AERA has reached out to members and friends of education research to urge end-of-year giving. The AERA “ask” is focused on vital sets of activities supported through the Second Century Fund and the Minority Dissertation Fellowship Fund.
“Now more than ever before it is important to ramp up our programs and initiatives to continue to educate and advocate for high-quality research,” emphasized AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “We live in a time where facts, data, and evidence matter. We need to engage with diverse policy and public communities to be effective, and we need to build our skills and capacities to do so.”
AERA dues are essential to the continuing operations of the Association, including programmatic emphases. Donations and grants, the Association reports, are essential to support initiatives that are major in scope, purpose, and visibility.
Levine noted that “contributions, large and small, can make a difference in AERA’s support for such initiatives as the National Lecture and Discussion Forum Series, the AERA Congressional Fellowship Program, and the Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program.”
Through primarily an email campaign, the Association is seeking contributions to these two dedicated funds. Donations made by December 31, 2017 are tax-deductive to the limits allowable by law.