Starting in 2022, we are introducing three new awards granted by the Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and Multimodality SIG. Read more about these awards below.
The Semiotics in Education SIG (#110) of the American Educational ResearchAssociation seeks nominations for the 2023 Gunther Kress Social Semiotics inEducation Scholarly Impact Award. This award is named in honor of the late GuntherKress whose scholarship, leadership, and mentorship has had significant impact on the field of social semiotics in education.
The Kress award recognizes a domestic or international scholar in their mid or late career (15+ years beyond the doctorate) whose cumulative program of work has impacted the field of social semiotics in education.
Nomination materials (see item #1 and #2 on attached document) must be submitted electronically to the Award Chair, Jennifer D. Turner ( by November 1, 2022
More details for nomination and submission for the Gunther Kress Scholarly Impact Award can be found here.
The Semiotics in Education SIG (#110) of the American Educational ResearchAssociation seeks nominations for the 2023 Outstanding Graduate Research Paper Award. This award recognizes a graduate student research paper on social semiotics in education that is of exemplary conceptual, methodological, and rhetorical quality. All submissions for this award must adhere to the following criteria: (a) The paper must be officially accepted for presentation at the AERA annual meeting; (b) The nominee(s) must have conducted the research. If the paper is co-authored, all co-authors must be graduate researchers, and all co-authors will be considered for the award. No faculty authors are permitted on the AERA conference proposal or the paper submitted for the award; and (c) Papers should be original research conducted by the nominee(s) that has not been published or presented elsewhere.
Nominations are encouraged from both domestic and international graduate researchers for the Outstanding Graduate Research Paper award. Self-nominations are allowed for this award, or nominations may come from a faculty advisor. Please submit the following materials (see items #1-4 on attached document) electronically as a PDF or Word Document to the Award Chair, Jennifer D. Turner ( by December 1, 2022.
More details for nomination and submission for the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award can be found here.
More information coming soon!