What is the role of signs and symbols in education or society? How can we understand semiotics signs in learning and education? As research and pedagogy related to multimodality and semiotics has increased across all educational disciplines, these questions have become increasingly common. Journals, conferences, and books abound with these discussions.
The AERA Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and Multimodality SIG is a community of scholars from across educational disciplines who conduct research on multimodality using semiotic frameworks. This is an exciting time for the SIG. Membership continues to grow. Opportunities abound to get involved, to communicate with others, and share your work.
As the AERA Semiotics in Education SIG Chair, I invite you to join us. We welcome graduate students, early career, mid-career, and established career scholars of all disciplines. If you are a member, recruit others to join this growing SIG! We have new initiatives planned including graduate student liaisons, special panel at the AERA 2021 business meeting, new awards, professional development sessions, and the continued sharing of SIG member works. Join. Renew. Let us know your ideas.
Mary McVeeChair (2020-2022)AERA Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and Multimodality SIG
[Updated 08/13/2020]