Featuring a networking session for all members within the Semiotics in Education SIG
Chair: Mary B. McVee
Participants: Jennifer Danridge Turner, Amy Walker
Officers: Katarina Nicole Silvestri, Rachel Pinnow, Angel Mei Yi Lin
Please see the Semiotics in Education sessions that with be at AERA this year! Note: Most sessions are place-based, though some sessions are virtual.
Chair: Aylar Adeh
Poster 1: Considerations on Giving Students Choice in Digital Multimodal Composing, Victor Fei Lim
Poster 2: Expert Readers' Online Multimodal Reading Strategies Use, Hyoju Ahn
Poster 1: Critical Analysis of Cultura in Spanish World Language Textbooks, Amanda Holbrook, Brenda Muzeta, & Kathryn Accurso
Chair: Aylar Adeh, Simon Fraser University
Discussant: Mingming Jiang, University of California - Berkeley
Session Abstract: Using a range of analytical methods, from a qualitative, multimodal positioning analysis to a multimodal critical discourse analysis and a nexus analysis, the papers in this session will discuss (a) students’ and teachers’ positions toward others and artifacts in an elementary engineering club, (b) representations of Chinese C9 League universities on twitter, (c) a linguistic landscape analysis of an Iranian neighborhood, and (d) the trajectories of international students through single events and social actions.
Paper 1: A Multimodal Positioning Theory Analysis of Interaction Surrounding Design Failures in an Elementary Engineering Club, Katarina Nicole Silvestri, Mary B. McVee, Lynn Shanahan, Kenneth English
Paper 2: How Twitter Is Used to Fix the Meaning of World-Class Chinese Universities, Zhengyang Xu
Paper 3: Linguistic Landscape of Vancouver: Multilingualism and Translanguaging, Aylar Adeh
Paper 4: Mapping Semiotic Cycles in the Trajectory of an International Student in a Canadian University, Pedro L dos Santos
Paper 5: Avoiding the "Visual Assault": Teachers' Pedagogical Skills that Support Student Science Visual Literacy, Michele Colandene
Chair: Raul Alberto Mora
Session Abstract: This working group roundtable brings together six papers from different corners of the world, mixing physical and online contexts, to reframe the intersections between translanguaging and multimodality, as pedagogical possibilities and ways to disrupt knowledge creation. The papers in this section move past traditional, prescriptive forms of theory interplay, which usually place some communities as producers and others as mere consumers. This session argues for the need to create new pathways and ways to embrace conceptual and methodological diversity, where the Global North and Global South disrupt how we share and create knowledge, as the “pursuit of truth” is only possible through equitable knowledge trade and conversations.
Paper 1: Leveraging Translanguaging Flows in Chinese Character Lessons for Creative and Critical Learning, Zhongfeng Tian, Sunny Man Chu Lau
Paper 2: Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Exploring Civic Identities of Multilingual Youth, Ruth Harman, Khanh Bui, Lourdes Cardozo-Gaibisso, Max Vazquez Dominguez, Cory Buxton, Shuang Fu.
Paper 3: Translanguaging and Multimodalities as Entanglements: Vignettes From the Global South, Rosa Medina Riveros, Theresa Austin, Maria Jose Botelho, Diana Angelica Parra
Paper 4: Reconceptualizing Semiotic Resources in the Eco-Social System of an Online Language Tutoring Course, Qinghua Chen, Angel Mei Yi Lin
Paper 5: Advancing Translanguaging and Multimodal Pedagogies in Online English Teaching Videos, Jennifer Ho, Dezheng Feng
Paper 6: Translanguaging and Multimodal Composition: Processes, Products, and Perspectives, Mark Barba Pacheco, Blaine Smith, Natalie Amgott, Amber Deig