Officer / Email
Meghan ShaughnessyBoston University
Karen TerrellLoyola University Maryland
Carlos Nicolas Gómez MarchantUniversity of Texas at Austin
Emma Gargroetzi University of Texas at Austin
Sammie Marshall North Carolina State University
Patricia BuenrostroUniversity of Illinois - Chicago
Jonee Wilson University of Virginia
Graduate Student Representative
Ariane Faria Dos SantosUniversity of British Columbia
Maria Maria CastilloVanderbilt University
Section 1. Name. The group shall be known as the Special Interest Group For Research in Mathematics Education (SIG/RME).
Section 2. Affiliation. By virtue of its affiliation with the American Educational Research Association as a Special Interest Group, the organization pays annual dues to AERA and participates in the AERA Annual Meeting. The organization exists in its own right, however, and will continue to exist if for some reason it ceases to remain affiliated with AERA.
Section 3. Governing Authority. The Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education (SIG/RME) shall be governed by these Bylaws as well as the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of the American Educational Research Association. SIG/RME Bylaws shall not conflict with the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of AERA.
The purpose of SIG/RME is to promote and to disseminate research, development, and evaluative efforts in mathematics education, and to promote and encourage scholarly and productive exchanges among members of all the constituencies that affect, or are affected by, research on the learning and teaching of mathematics.
Section 1. Eligibility. Membership in the SIG shall be open to any AERA member who supports the purposes of the SIG and who pays the specified SIG dues and all additional fees required of SIG members by the Association.
Section 2. Joining the SIG. AERA members shall join the SIG by paying SIG dues and Association fees through the AERA Central Office using the appropriate AERA print or electronic form.
Section 3. Members in Good Standing. SIG members are considered ‘in good standing’ immediately upon the recording of their dues paid in full by the AERA Central Office.
Section 4. Duration. The length of membership in the SIG shall be from the date membership dues are recorded by the AERA Central Office to the end of the AERA membership year as established by the Association. AERA members may join the SIG at any time, but SIG membership expires simultaneously with AERA membership.
Section 5. Voting Rights. All SIG members in good standing, with fully paid SIG dues, shall be entitled to vote for SIG officers and on any other matter where a vote is required or taken.
Section 1. Officers. The governing board of SIG/RME shall be known as the SIG/RME Executive Board. The seven elected officers who comprise the Board shall include two chairpersons, an awards board member, an events board member, one treasurer, a communications board member, and an electronics board member.
Section 2. Qualifications. An elected officer must be a voting member of AERA as well as a member in good standing of SIG/RME. Individuals who have served as officers of SIG/RME will not be eligible for re-election to the Executive Board for five years following the completion of their most recent service on the Executive Board.
Section 3. Terms of Office. The term of office for membership on the SIG/RME Executive Board shall be two years. On alternative years the following Executive Board members shall be elected:
Odd-Numbered Years: Co-chairperson, Events Board Member, Communications Board Member, Electronics Board Member
Even-Numbered Years: Co-chairperson, Awards Board Member, and Treasurer
In the year of his or her election the co-chairperson assumes the position of junior chair. The following year that person assumes the position of senior chair. All terms of office begin at the close of the AERA Annual Meeting that follows the election balloting.
Section 4. Nominating and Election Procedures. Nominations for the SIG/RME Executive Board shall be solicited from the membership in the Summer SIG/RME Newsletter. The current Executive Board shall select from those nominated and eligible for election a slate of six candidates, two for each position to be filled. Candidates who agree to stand for election shall provide brief (one paragraph) biographies to the Electronics Board Member. The biographies shall be distributed in the Fall Newsletter. All election processes and tabulation of votes for designated officer positions for the following year shall be completed within the timeline and by the deadline established by AERA in conducting its electronic election of Officers of the Association. The membership shall be notified of the election results in the Winter Newsletter.
Section 5. Vacated Offices. When any elected officer for some reason leaves office before the end of the full term is completed, the office shall be declared vacant and the Executive Board, minus the leaving party, shall appoint by simple majority vote an Acting Officer for the duration of the individual’s term.
Section 6. Graduate Student Representatives. The SIG/RME board will include two Graduate Student Representatives, each of whom will serve for two years. These representatives are intended to serve and represent fellow graduate student members of the Special Interest Group-Research in Mathematics Education (SIG/RME) in the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Enrolled graduate student members of SIG-RME and AERA at large who can maintain this status for two consecutive years are eligible to serve as SIG-RME Graduate Student Representatives.
Selection Process
A new representative (Junior Graduate Student Representative) will be selected each year, for a two-year term, beginning after the AERA Annual Meeting. A call for applications for the SIG/RME Graduate Student Representative positions will be disseminated to the graduate student members each January. The application consists of a curriculum vita and a 300-word statement on qualifications in carrying out the representative duties (including expected date of graduation). The current representatives will then review applications and present to the SIG/RME Board a list of three candidates in ranked order in February. The SIG/RME Board makes the final selection, seeking to ensure diversity of representation, and contacts the incoming representative to confirm acceptance of position.
At present SIG/RME has no standing committees; the responsibility for SIG/RME governance lies with the SIG/RME Executive Board. Should the need for change be perceived, that need can be met through the procedures outlined in Article X.
Section 1. AERA Annual Meeting. There shall be a SIG/RME Business Meeting held each year, as part of the SIG/RME Membership Meeting during the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. All SIG/RME activities are open for discussion at the business meeting. The SIG/RME Executive Board shall also meet at the AERA Annual Meeting in preparation for the business meeting.
Section 2. NCTM Annual Meeting. SIG/RME shall, in concert with the NCTM Research Advisory Committee, sponsor research conference sessions in the annual NCTM meetings.
Section 3. Notice of Meetings. Announcement of the time and place of the AERA Annual Meeting, the SIG/RME Membership and Business Meeting, and the schedule of all SIG/RME-sponsored sessions at the AERA and NCTM Annual Meetings shall be included in the Winter SIG/RME Newsletter.
Section 4. Governing Procedures. Issues of procedure not covered by these Bylaws shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised).
Section 1. Title. The organization shall maintain on annual basis a SIG/RME Membership Directory
Section 2. Issuance & Updates. The membership directory shall be made available to all SIG/RME members electronically via the SIG/RME website (password-protected). Periodic updates may be provided if deemed necessary.
Section 1. Title. The organization shall sponsor a Newsletter of the Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education of AERA.
Section 2. Editor. The Communications Board Member of SIG/RME shall serve as Newsletter Editor. The Executive Board and Newsletter Editor shall jointly determine the information coverage provided by the Newsletter.
Section 3. Issuance and Coverage. The newsletter shall be published three times per year. The Winter, Summer, and Fall issues shall appear respectively in March, June, and November. In addition to news and notices of interest to the mathematics education community, the issues of the Newsletter may include the following:
Section 1. Dues. As covered also in Article III, Section 4 of these Bylaws, the annual dues for membership in the organization shall be determined by AERA. Membership fees are due when a member renews his/her AERA membership. A member whose membership lapses is consider delinquent-.
Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year for the organization shall extend from the day immediately following the conclusion of the most recent AERA Annual Meeting through the final day of the next AERA Annual Meeting.
Section 3. Audit & Control. All receipts and disbursements shall be made only to bank accounts established by the Treasurer. The financial records of the group shall be presented to the membership by the Treasurer at the annual business meeting.
Section 4. Non-Profit Status. SIG/RME is a non-profit organization. All assets are used for specific SIG/RME activities and no officers, members, or private persons shall benefit financially from SIG/RME funds.
Section 5. SIG Dues Payment to AERA. SIG/RME recognizes the support provided to it by AERA and as such recognizes and complies with AERA to pay annual dues and to file an annual report.
Section 6. Dissolution. In the event SIG/RME is dissolved, the current team of officers shall remain in office until all affairs of the group have been properly terminated. Any funds remaining after payment of debts and obligations shall be used to hold one last bash for those members of SIG/RME who stay on to the bitter end.
The SIG/RME Early Career Publication Award recognizes outstanding mathematics education research published by individuals within five years of receiving their doctoral degrees.
Nomination Guidelines
Nomination Deadline
Nomination Packet.
Nominations should include (and are restricted to) the following:
Selection and Award Procedures
Award Presentation
The Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education announces the creation of the Distinguished Scholar Award for Research in Mathematics Education. This award recognizes the programmatic research and research-mentoring work of a senior scholar within the field of mathematics education
Award CriteriaThe recipient of the Distinguished Scholar award should be active in mathematiscs education research at the time the award is granted (as attested to, for example, by research publications of recent date or current doctoral advisees) and nominated by members of the community as exemplar in regard to the following two basic criteria. The nominee has:
The SIG/RME recognizes also that other features of a person’s work might add to the criteria above, strengthening a nomination, such as the following. The nominee has also made:
Selection and Award ProceduresThe award will be given to one person, biannually on odd-numbered years. A call for nominations will be published in the field’s top journals and in the SIG/RME newsletter every odd-numbered year during the summer. Nominations will be due in May of the following even year. A competition will only be held if two or more nominations are received. The award will be announced in the SIG/RME newsletter, and in journals such as Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Educational Studies in Mathematics, and the Educational Researcher during the fall of every even year. The award will be presented during the AERA Membership and Business meeting of the SIG/RME every odd-numbered year. A committee, whose composition is noted below, will select the awardee from among the nominees or else it may decide to give no award on a given year.
Award Procedure
Awards CommitteeThe SIG/RME board will establish an awards committee that will include five voting members and one ex-officio member:
Co-Chair – The co-chair serves for two years, first as the junior and then senior co-chair. The senior co-chair presides over meetings of the executive board and at the membership during the SIG annual business meeting. In addition, each co-chair has specific duties related to conference organization. During the first year of service, the co-chair’s primary responsibility involves liaising with the NCTM Research Committee and assisting with the nominations and awards work. During the second year of service, the co-chair’s responsibilities include: general administration of the SIG-RME, serving as the program chair for the SIG-RME sessions for the AERA annual meeting, and liaising between the SIG and AERA.
Treasurer – The Treasurer has two primary duties: (1) Keeping the financial accounts updated and (2) Authorizing and Coordinating payment for various expenses. Important examples of expenses include: SIG business meeting at AERA, SIG/RME speaker at NCTM, Early Career and Senior Scholar Awards, STaR fellows, as well as processing reimbursements for SIG related expenses, as needed. The treasurer writes a brief annual financial report for the newsletter and for the SIG business meeting.
Communications – The Communications Board Member’s primary responsibilities are coordinating communication between the Board and members of SIG-RME, posting to social media, and preparing and distributing SIG-RME newsletters.
Electronics – The primary responsibility of the Electronics board members is to maintain and regularly update the SIG-RME website with announcements, job postings, and calls for manuscripts. The Electronics Board Member also manages the annual election process and is on the selection panel for the Early Career Award recipient.
Awards – The Awards Board Member is responsible for managing the process for soliciting nominations for awards and serving on the committee to decide on award recipients. The Awards Board Member is responsible for coordinating the award events at NCTM and the SIG/RME at AERA.
Events – The primary responsibilities of the Events board member are to arrange the SIG-RME reception at AERA and the joint meeting at NCTM. The events board member also is on the selection panel for the Early Career Award recipient.
Graduate Student Representative – Participate in board meetings to support development of AERA Annual Meeting Program. Plan and Facilitate graduate programs for AERA annual meeting and SIG-RME business meetings. Select incoming graduate rep. Design and disseminate announcements for upcoming programs and networking opportunities.