

Call for Distinguished Scholar Award Nominations

The Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education (SIG/RME) of AERA invites nominations for the Distinguished Scholar Award, to be presented at AERA 2025.  This award recognizes and celebrates the programmatic research of a distinguished scholar within the field of mathematics education. The SIG/RME will present the award to an individual who is active in mathematics education research at the time the award is granted and who is nominated by members of the community as an exemplar regarding the following two criteria.  The nominee has: 

  • designed and carried out programmatic research that has been grounded empirically and has contributed to the theoretical development of the field;
  • developed the research capacity of the field, as attested to by the existence of a “school of thought” or intellectual heritage whose constructs and results are used regularly by others.

One or more of the following additional criteria can strengthen the nomination.  The nominee has also made

  • major contributions to the broader field of educational research,
  • a major impact on the practice of mathematics education at large.

Scholars worldwide can be nominated for this award, and membership in AERA or SIG/RME is not required of the nominees. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nomination packets must include the following:

A letter of nomination proposing the name of the nominee and describing the grounds on which the nominee meets the requirements for the award.  Three criteria should be addressed in the letter:

  1. A brief (no more than 250-word) description of the program of research carried out by the nominee;
  2. A current copy of the nominee’s CV (including a list of significant publications representing the contributions described) and;
  3. A list of scholars who have been significantly affected by the work of the nominee.  The list of scholars may include, but need not be limited to, doctoral students who worked with the nominee.  Include current contact information for the list of scholars.

Please send nomination materials electronically no later than Friday, November 1, 2024 to Distinguished Scholar Award Nominations. Electronic submissions are required. Direct all inquiries to Patricia Buenrostro at

An awards committee composed of the Distinguished Scholar Award Chair, outgoing and current SIG-RME co-chair, the previous award winner, and two active members of SIG/RME will decide on the award.  The awardee will be expected to deliver the SIG/RME invited address at AERA 2025.

Call for Nominations for the Karen King Future Leader Award

The Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education (SIG/ME) of AERA invites nominations for the Karen King Future Leader Award to be presented during the business meeting held at the AERA Annual Conference in 2025. The Karen King Future Leader Award recognizes graduate students, following in Dr. King's scholarly footsteps, who demonstrate exemplary promise as future leaders of mathematics education research who are committed to: 1) academic innovation in the areas of equity; 2) community engagement; and 3) teaching and research. The award includes a stipend of S500, announcement in the SIG.ME newsletter and on the SIG-RME website and recognition at the AERA Annual Conference

The graduate student must hold student status in January 2025 and have successfully passed their qualifying exam or equivalent. They will be nominated by a faculty member or administrator. Nominations are encouraged from both domestic and international scholars. The following materials must be submitted for a nomination to be considered:

  1. a nomination letter from a faculty member or administrator
  2. supporting letter from a second faculty member or administrator
  3. a statement from the student indicating how they meet the award critera
  4. student's curriculum vitae

All nomination materials must be submitted electronically no later than 11:59 pm ET on December 1, 2024 to the Awards Chair. Nomination letters and the student statement should explain how the nominee demonstrates exemplary promise as a future leader of mathematics education in the following areas: 1) academic innovation in the areas of equity; 2) community engagement; and 3) teaching and research.

A winner is selected based upon demonstrated promise as a future leader of mathematics education research and commitments to 1) academic innovation in the areas of equity; 2) community engagement; and 3) teaching and research. Nominations will be evaluated in relation to the three criteria above as described in the nomination letters and statement and listed in the graduate student's CV, which should include: 1) scholarly/creative work published and/or in progress in journals, open platforms, or institutional repositories; 2) specific teaching, service, and research efforts and activities that realize diversity, equity, inclusion, and community engagement initiatives; and 3) teaching, research, or service awards and grants. An awards committee composed of the Awards Board Member, the Senior Graduate Student Representative and the Communications Board Member of SIG/RME will decide on the award. The nomination packet must be received by 11:59 pm ET on Friday, December 1, 2024. Electronic submissions to Karen King Nominations are required. Contact Patricia Buenrostro at with any questions.


Call for Early Career Publication Award Nominations

In 2001, the Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education established the "SIG-RME Early Career Publication Award." The purpose of the Early Career Publication Award is to recognize an outstanding mathematics education research publication by an early career scholar. The award includes a stipend of $500, announcement in the SIG-ME newsletter and on the SIG-RME website and recognition at the AERA 2024 Conference. The first award was presented in 2002, and the most recent award was presented to Dr. Nickolaus A. Ortiz. The 2025 Early Career Publication Award nomination is due no later than Friday, November 15, 2024.

Nomination Guidelines:


The publication being nominated for the SIG-RME Early Career Publication Award may be based on the dissertation work of the nominee or other recent research the nominee has conducted. The nominee should be ether the single author or the first author (in the case of a jointly authored paper) and the contributor of the majority of the work done on the paper. Only peer reviewed research publications are eligible for nomination; the award will not be given for a dissertation. The nominee should be considered pre-tenure at their institution or have received their doctoral degree in mathematics education no earlier than 6 years prior to the nomination deadline (i.e., no earlier than November 15, 2018 for this year's nomination). Current SIG/RME board members are not eligible. The publication being nominated will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • significance of research:
  • relevance and timeliness of research question; and
  • quality and rigor of research.
Nomination Packets

Nominations should include (and are restricted to) the following:

  • A letter nominating the author of an early career publication. Please include the name of the author, the date of receiving the doctoral degree, and the name of the institution that conferred the degree. The nominator should also include reasons that the paper should be considered as an example of an outstanding mathematics education research publication.
  • If the article is based on the author's dissertation, please include the name of the dissertation director and complete bibliographic information about the dissertation or a link to the dissertation.
  • Self-nominations are allowed.
  • A copy of the published paper, including complete bibliographic information.


Nominations will be considered by a sub-committee of the Executive board, consisting of the Awards, Events, and Electronic Board Members. The decisions of that committee will be final. Please send nomination materials electronically no later than Friday, November 15, 2024 to Early Career Nominations. Electronic submissions are required. Direct questions to Patricia Buenrostro at


Prior Award Winners

SIG/RME Karen King Future Leader Award

  • 2024 Katie Westby
  • 2023 Micaela Harris

SIG/RME Early Career Publication Award 

  • 2024 Nickolaus A. Ortiz
  • 2023 Paulo Tan and Cathery Yeh
  • 2022 Jon Henner
  • 2021 Erika Bullock and Erica Litke
  • 2020 Nicole Louie and Jonee Wilson
  • 2019 Annie Garrison Wilhelm
  • 2018 Maisie Gholson & Luis Leyva
  • 2017 Gregory Larnell
  • 2016 Yasemin Copur-Gencturk
  • 2015 Charles Hohensee & Katherine Lewis
  • 2014 Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim
  • 2013 Kristen Bieda
  • 2012 Anita Wager
  • 2011 Gabriel Stylianides
  • 2010 Andreas Stylianides
  • 2009 Amanda Jansen
  • 2008 Amy Ellis
  • 2006 Keith Weber
  • 2005 Wanda Nabors
  • 2004 Andrew Izsák
  • 2003 Patricio Herbst
  • 2002 Michelle Zandieh

SIG/RME Distinguished Scholar Award

  • 2023 Beth Herbel-Eisenmann
  • 2021 William F. Tate IV
  • 2019 Judit N. Moschkovich
  • 2017 Paul Cobb 
  • 2014 Jim Hiebert 
  • 2011* Edward A. Silver
  • 2008 Alan H. Schoenfeld
  • 2006 Les Steffe

*Note that no award was given in 2010 because no scholars were nominated for the award.