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Our Graduate Student Writing Group provides a space for motivation and
accountability for writing tasks for graduate students. The group meets virtually.
If you are interested or you know of a graduate student who would benefit from participating, please email
for more information
Fellowship Announcements
NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program application module is open!!! Graduate students enrolled in research-based Master’s and Doctoral degrees in STEM Education, the branches in education (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and discipline-based education research (physics education, biology education, chemistry education, etc.) are strongly encouraged to explore this opportunity. Visit
to learn more. Applications for STEM Education and Learning are due
October 18, 2024.
Conference Announcements
ERME Topic Conference FAME
- Feedback and Assessment in Mathematics Education - will take place in Utrecht on the 5 - 7th June 2024
deadline for submissions:
January 12, 2024
Travel grants are available from the association for women in mathematics – deadlines: Feb 1, May 1, Oct 1 every year (
click here for more information
Calls For Papers
*RME: Call for Special Issue Proposals*
Research in Mathematics Education (RME) invites researchers to submit a
proposal for a Special Issues of RME (2026 onwards). The journal publishes
a special issue each year around a theme of interest to researchers in
mathematics education. Recent special issues include Mathematics Education,
Citizenship and its Other in a Global World in 2021 and later a special
issue on Making Mathematical Connections in the Teaching and Learning of
Mathematics in 2024 and another on Contemporary Issues in Mathematics
Education within a STEM Climate in 2025.
Currently, the journal publishes three issues a year. Issues 1 and 3
comprise original refereed research papers drawn from a wide range of areas
within mathematics education. Issue 2 is normally a Special Issue built
around articles focussed on a particular theme, with a guest editor who has
(or editors who have) a particular expertise and involvement in research on
that theme.
We invite proposals from a guest editor or team of editors who have
particular expertise and involvement in research around the theme of the
proposal. Papers in each Special Issue are acquired by open call and
undergo the same peer review process as all other research papers in RME.
Guest editors manage the open call for and acquisition of papers, the
reviewing process, and the editing process of bringing the copy to a point
where it is ready for publication. Support and guidance for this is
provided by the RME Editors and the wider RME team.
Experience suggests that the process of developing a Special Issue can take
up to 18 months from acceptance of the proposal to publication.
The first step is the submission of a strong proposal. Colleagues
interested in developing a Special Issue should write to the RME Editors
- Theme: indicative title of the Special Issue and brief outline of its
intended scope
- Editor(s): names of the Guest Editor(s) including a brief explanation
about why they are well-placed to develop the Special Issue
- Rationale: why the theme is of particular interest to the field of
research in mathematics education
- Content: potential contributors and their contributions; this may be
provisional, but needs to show evidence that there are sufficient
researchers from a diverse range of contexts in the area able to contribute
high-quality papers for the issue to be sustainable. The precise make-up of
the special issue can be negotiated with the RME editors, but it normally
takes the form of a number of research papers (perhaps no more than 8000
words each) with some framing introductory material and perhaps some
response(s) or concluding material. The total word-length (i.e., the
‘volume equivalent’) is around 45,000 words.
- Timeline: an indicative timescale from acceptance of the proposal to
publication (note that accepted articles for a RME SI can appear ‘online
first’ on the journal website prior to the final publication of the
complete SI and this is strongly encouraged).
The RME SI proposal should be sent to
by *30th November
2023*. If you have any questions about this call then please also email the
Editors at
. A decision will be made around early January
by the RME Editors.
Jenni Ingram, Christian Bokhove and Jodie Hunter
The Editors
Research in Mathematics Education
Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Mathematics for and in STEM Education
Open until December 31, 2025
Methods in Psychology
You are invited to submit an article to a Special Issue of Methods in Psychology on Mixed Methods and Mathematics Education Research. Methods in Psychology is an open access journal.
Mixed methods have gained more prominence in mathematics education research in the last several decades. However, as analytical approaches expand and contexts change, new approaches are needed to capture the complexity and authenticity of mathematics education topics and scenarios. This special issue invites submissions of articles that offer new insights and innovative thinking about mixed methods and mathematics education research, across a broad range of topics.
Specifically, we seek articles that methodologically answer or discuss aspects of the following:
• Why and how did mixed methods help you as the mathematics education researcher(s) more effectively answer your research questions in your context rather than other research methods?
• In what ways and in what stage of your research project did integration occur and what insights do this lead towards? (e.g., theoretical framing, data collection, data analysis, inference techniques, presentation of results, etc.)
• What innovative ways did the researcher(s) implement mixed methods at various aspects of their projects?
• What innovate mixed methods visualizations offered new insights that would otherwise have been obscured? (e.g., joint displays, analytical tools, etc.)
Note that we do not seek articles that solely present the outcomes of mathematics education research, although specific examples of mathematics education research may be useful in illustrating the arguments and proposals in submitted articles that meet the objectives above. Articles may be in any format accepted by the journal – Research and methodological articles (around 9000 words). Limit 4-6 tables and figures.
Manuscript submission information:
Prospective authors can submit a proposal (encouraged but not required:
DUE by September 1st, 2024
) that includes an extended abstract of maximum 1500 words describing:
1. Theory and gaps in relevant literature including single method designs on the mathematics education topic under investigation.
2. Problem
3. Research questions and/or research hypotheses for each qualitative and quantitative strand, including a mixed methods research question.
4. Type of mixed methods design
- Clear description of both the qualitative and quantitative methods used in the umbrella mixed methods design with appropriate methodological references.
5. Results or Preliminary Results
- Notation on the innovation of the mixed methods design in comparison to existing mixed methods designs.
6. Integration, Joint Display, & Meta-inferences
7. Conclusions, Discussion, and Implications
-Reflection on how the use of mixed methods contributes to our understanding of the mathematics education topic. Recommendations regarding the adaptation of the specific mixed method design to other areas in mathematics education.
8. All submissions should be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced.
Send extended abstracts to Emma Bullock at
Educational Studies in Mathematics Special Issue
Replication Studies in Mathematics Education
Extended abstracts due
January 1, 2025
Call for chapters: New Trends in Teaching and Learning Calculus
if interested, please email
(posted 16 June 2024)
Perspectivas da Educação Matemática
Special Issue on Gender/Sexuality in Mathematics Education
March 20, 2024
The Banneker Banner
welcomes submissions from all members of the mathematics education community. All submissions should be relevant, interesting, and useful to teachers of mathematics in Maryland. We're accepting articles focused on:
lesson seeds
applications of research to practice
research briefs
Call for papers for a special issue of
Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education
(DEME) on the topic of "
Mathematic Education in the era of ChatGPT
Submit your chapter proposals for an upcoming book, "
Promoting Equity in Approximations of Practice for Preservice Mat
hematics Teachers." Please find details in
this link
Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (JRSMTE)
will publish a special issue in 2024, and is looking for recent graduates or for those that will be graduating soon to submit a paper to the special issue.
More information can be found at
For mathematics education researchers whose work overlaps with esl/bilingual education: njtesol-njbe’s subcommittee to counter antiblack racism is leading efforts to promote the work of emerging scholars. we are excited to invite black and racially minoritized graduate students with submissions related to esl/bilingual education to submit to our recently reimagined voices annual journal with the added benefit that, if accepted, they will also get to present their work at our heavily attended annual conference.
journal submission page:
spring conference link:
njtesol-njbe website:
subcommittee web series
critical conversations
*note: the webmaster has repeatedly tried to capitalize black in the above text, but the autoformatting on this page lowercases everything. my deepest apologies!!
Other Announcements
Academic and Non-Academic Job Market
Join us for a panel discussion about different post-doctoral career paths in academia, as well as outside of the academy. We will hear from mentors in advocacy, curriculum development, clinical faculty, and tenure-track faculty.
Thursday, April 4th, 5 to 6:30 pm EST
Archived Statements
2020 AERA conference (
click here to read the entire statement
Affirming critical scholars in mathematics education academic (
click here to read the entire statement
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