Dear Sig RME Members,
We are delighted and honored to serve you on the Sig Research in Mathematics Education Governance Board. We would like your input and participation as part of the mathematics education community to create a dynamic community that supports each other. Our goal is to help facilitate communication, collaboration, and networking opportunities for our membership to thrive and achieve our mission.
Our mathematics education community promotes and disseminates research, development, and evaluative efforts in mathematics education. In addition, our goal is to promote and encourage scholarly and productive exchanges among members about research on the learning and teaching of mathematics. Listed below are some of the activities are we engaged in and how you can stay connected.
Building on past efforts, we are going to send a monthly email blast to members with timely information for members. Therefore, we would like to enhance this space in order to honor the work of the previous SIG-RME Board members so that you can serve in various capacities and participate in several initiatives. our AERA website and monthly E-mail news blasts. You can directly post announcements on the Sig RME Facebook Page.
Sharing items for dissemination via e-mail and website
Please send information to Emma Carene Gargroetzi
at ______________
Announcements will be posted on the ___ of the month
·Do you have a project website or information that you would like to share?
·Would you like to give a talk to the Research in Mathematics Education Community about your specific research?
·Authored a book or authored a journal article? Would you like to conduct a book study, book talk, or share a Podcast?
·Share success stories to inspire others!
·Defended your dissertation and starting a new job?
·Conference announcements
·Grant proposals
·Book chapters
·Journals for publications
·Think Tank – around topics of interest
We will link your resource to the Sig RME AERA page.
Note: Senior Co-Chair serves as Program Chair.
Succession: Junior Co-Chair (1 year) to Senior Co-Chair (1 year).
Senior Scholars have been paired up with Junior Scholars as part of the Sig Mentoring Program.
Areas identified for mentoring graduate students, early and mid-career faculty
Post an announcement on a monthly e-mail blast or on the SIG RME website.
Thank you for being a member of the Sig RME. Your active participation in our community matters! Please invite others to join our Sig RME and be part of this dynamic community.
Teruni Lamberg and Meghan Shaughnessy
Note: Individuals can join a SIG at any time. Individuals can join/renew with the SIG when they join/renew with AERA, but any AERA member can also add the SIG to their membership at any time. To do so, they need to go to, click “Login” at the top/center of the page, and then go to their My AERA page (the link is also at the top of the page). On the My AERA page, they should scroll down to the “Membership” section and use the “Purchase Additional SIG Memberships” link to add the Research in Mathematics Education SIG to their AERA membership. The membership team can also be reached at or 202-238-3200.