American Educational Research Association > SIG168 > Awards > Student Travel Award
Student Travel Award
About the Student Travel Award

Student Travel Award Winners

2023 Karly Ball (George Washington University), Gabriel Rodríguez Lemus, Jr. (The University of Texas at Austin), and Suzan Yesil Hafizoglu (Texas Tech University)

2019 Roxana Chiappa (University of Washginton)

2018 Denver Fowler (Ohio University)

2016 Lisa Hoon (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

2015 Stacia Cedilla and Wei-Ling Sun

Submission requirements


1. Awardee must be enrolled in a graduate program at the time of award nomination. International and domestic students are eligible to apply.

2. Awardee is required to attend the SIG168 Business Meeting at the 2024 Annual Conference to receive their award.

3. Applicant must be a SIG168 member at the time of applying/being nominated.

4. Students may only receive one travel award.

5. Applicants who did not receive an award are eligible to apply again, provided the above eligibility criteria are met.

Application Process

Submission Requirements: 

1) Name, email, and institutional affiliation of student nominee

2) A personal statement in 200 words or fewer describing why the nominee should receive this award based on the review criteria stated.

Google Form Application: Applications for all awards are due on December 1, 2023 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time. Contact Stephanie Lezotte ( with questions. 

Review Criteria:

Submissions will be evaluated in five areas: (1) scholarship and leadership qualities, (2) contribution/potential contribution to the field of graduate education, 3) commitment to the mission of SIG168, 4) need and benefit

SIG 168

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