Association for the Study of Higher Education
Preparing Future Faculty
The Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) program is a national movement to transform the way aspiring faculty members are prepared for their careers. PFF programs provide doctoral students, as well as some master’s and postdoctoral students, with opportunities to observe and experience faculty responsibilities at a variety of academic institutions with varying missions, diverse student bodies, and different expectations for faculty.
Association of American Universities
Association of Departments of English
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Council of Graduate Schools. Ph.D. Completion Project
U. S. Initiatives to Improve Doctoral Education
Quality in Postgraduate Research
Higher Education
Higher Education has actively endeavored to report on developments in both public and private Higher Education sectors. Contributions have come from leading scholars from different countries while articles have tackled the problems of teachers as well as students, and of planners as well as administrators. It offers opportunities for exchange of research results, experience and insights, and provides a forum for ongoing discussion between experts.
Journal of Further and Higher Education
Journal of Further and Higher Education is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles and book reviews representing the whole field of post-16 education and training. Topic areas include management and administration, teacher education and training, curriculum, staff and institutional development, and teaching and learning strategies and processes. The journal encourages debate on contemporary pedagogic issues and professional concerns within the UK and abroad.
Journal of Higher Education
Founded in 1930, The Journal of Higher Education is the leading scholarly journal on the institution of higher education. Articles combine disciplinary methods with critical insight to investigate issues important to faculty, administrators, and program managers.
The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL) is a forum for the dissemination of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in higher education for the community of teacher-scholars. It promotes SoTL investigations that are theory-based and supported by evidence. JoSoTL's objective is to publish articles that promote effective practices in teaching and learning and add to the knowledge base. The themes of the Journal reflect the breadth of interest in the pedagogy forum.
New Directions for Teaching and Learning
New Directions for Teaching and Learning continues to offer a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.
Review of Higher Education
The journal advances the study of college and university issues by publishing peer-reviewed articles, essays, reviews, and research findings. Its broad approach emphasizes systematic inquiry and practical implications. Considered one of the leading research journals in the field, The Review keeps scholars, academic leaders, and public policymakers abreast of critical issues facing higher education today
Studies in Higher Education
Studies in Higher Education welcomes research-based empirical, reflective or synoptic articles dealing with higher education, approached from any perspective or discipline. The journal also promotes policy articles as well as those focused on teaching and learning and the policy implications of teaching and learning research. As Studies in Higher Education is an international journal, it is essential that authors explain the national context for their research, and, where appropriate, engage with relevant literature from other countries.
Teaching in Higher Education
Teaching in Higher Education is an international, peer-reviewed journal. The journal addresses the roles of teaching, learning and the curriculum in higher education in order to explore and clarify the intellectual challenges which they present. The journal is interdisciplinary and aims to open up discussion across subject areas by involving all those who share an enthusiasm for learning and teaching.
Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate
The Council of Graduate Schools
The National Academies Assessment of Research Doctorate Programs
The Survey of Earned Doctorates
The Ph.D. Completion Project
Vitae: Realizing the Potential of Researchers Special Issue of Australian Universities Review on Doctoral Education
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