Learning Communities
Learning Communities
The Learning Communities Initiative

The Communities initiative was officially launched at the 2012 AERA Division I Business Meeting when the Community leaders were announced. The goal of Communities is to offer Division members opportunities to connect with others who have similar research interests. Each Community will provide mechanisms to network, help promote scholarship and help recruit participation in the Division and in the Division‟s program. Community membership is voluntary and open to all Division I members.

Teaching and Learning Community

Chair: Toni Ungaretti, Johns Hopkins University

Description: The Teaching and Learning Community addresses research around teaching and learning including theoretical and practical applications. Examples include pedagogy, workplace learning, neurobiology, and skills acquisition.

Toni Ungaretti

Teaching and Learning Activities:
As you are thinking about proposals for the next annual meeting, think of how the experience of COVID and the emphasis on inclusion and equity relate to some of our previously brainstormed ideas:
•What are elements of effective teaching and learning that will be forever changed?
•What difference do trends in teaching and learning – PBL, TBL, the flipped classroom, etc. - make?
•Assessment – what are its strengths and liabilities? How can it be designed to improve programs with less intense procedures?
•What needs to be examined in the explosive growth of online teaching? How can teachers and learners be prepared to maximize online teaching effectiveness?
•How can connectedness and presence be made stronger in online teaching?
•What are common elements in T&L across the professions? What are the differences?

Health Professions Education Advanced Degree Programs (HPEADs) Activities:
Think about submitting proposals that address changes to adapt health professions education to a changing world, address inclusion and equity issues, or evaluate such programs and their impact. Suggest possible symposium ideas to share with potential collaborators in the community.

In closing, the community has the potential to be a vibrant support network. Please share your ideas to advance the work of the Teaching & Learning Community and/or the Research Group on Health Professions Education Advanced Degree Programs and/or to create more opportunities for connectedness.

Assessment Community

Co-Chairs: Kuan King, University of Iowa & Yoon Soo Park, University of Illinois Chicago

Description: The Assessment Community is broadly defined to address the research issues of individual and program performance. Examples include methodology, admission and selection of learners into the professions, evaluation of competencies, and evaluation of programs.


The Assessment Community provides an opportunity for Division I members with interests in the broad framework of assessment to collaborate on research projects. Often our research focuses on (but is not limited to) licensure and certification assessments, medical education programs and assessments, and general psychometric topics. These studies can be theoretical, empirical, or applied, but they all have one aspect in common – they all concern assessment in the professions.

Professional Development Community

Chair: Anne McKee, King’s College, London 

Description: The Professional Development Community broadly focuses on research around the development of individuals within the profession. Examples include development of professional competency, development of educational competency, and development as an educational researcher.
