1.Applied research
a.Advances in methodology
b.Applied Research Reports (Planning/policy/management/instructional research)
2.Program evaluation (1 or 2 awards; 2 if category 5 has few entries)
4.Outstanding Dissertation
5.Communicating research, accountability, evaluation and/or assessment to lay audiences
6c. AERA's Undergraduate Student Education Research Training Program. The American Educational Research Association (AERA) invites fellowship applications for an Undergraduate Student Education Research Training Workshop to be held Thursday, April 3 - Saturday, April 5, 2014 during the 2014 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. This workshop is designed to build the talent pool of undergraduate students who plan to pursue doctorate degrees in education research or in disciplines and fields that examine education issues.
To apply, complete the AERA Undergraduate Student Education Research Training Workshop Online Application no later thanDecember 6, 2013. Direct all questions to George L. Wimberly, Director of Social Justice and Professional Development, at 202-238-3200 or fellowships@aera.net.
6d. Call for Papers on the theme “Growth, Learning, Assessment and Assessination.” The National Art Education Association issues group, www.cstae.org, publishes a peer-reviewed, online journal, JSTAE-Journal of Social Theory in Art Education which is currently calling for submissions due November 15, 2013 on the theme “Growth, Learning, Assessment andAssessination.” The publication date is summer 2014. For more information contact Sharif Bey, Editor at shbey@syr.edu.
6f. Stanford University. The Stanford Graduate School of Education seeks to fill a tenure-track, open-rank faculty position in Educational Measurement and Assessment. Questions pertaining to this position may be directed to the search committee: Sean F. Reardon sean.reardon@stanford.edu; Kenji Hakuta hakuta@stanford.edu; Pam Grossman pamg@stanford.edu
7. AERA News.
7a. Virtual Research Learning Center. AERA now has an online resource for professional development on research methods, data analysis, and professional career development. Visit www.aera.net/VRLC for more informaiton.
7b. Fellowships and Grants. In addition to the fellowship described above, AERA has several other opportunities with deadlines from Nov 15 to January 31. Visit www.aera.net/AERAfundingopportunities for more information.