Message from the VP November 2013
Message from the VP November 2013
November 2013  

Hello Division H'ers. The end of the year is upon us and there's lots going on in Division H. 

1. Publications Awards Call. As you know, Division H gives out six publication awards each year at our Breakfast/Business Meeting. Due to evolution in the field and experience with previous categories, the Awards Committee and Division leadership have updated the categories. The new award categories have been designed to (a) align more closely to the four sections in which we submit proposals for the Annual Meeting, (b) allow for every category every year (no more rotating categories), and (c) reflect current priorities in the field:

1.Applied research

a.Advances in methodology

b.Applied Research Reports (Planning/policy/management/instructional research)

2.Program evaluation (1 or 2 awards; 2 if category 5 has few entries)


4.Outstanding Dissertation

5.Communicating research, accountability, evaluation and/or assessment to lay audiences

The committee is currently finalizing category descriptions and is working on revizing rating guides. Thanks to Dale Whittington (committee chair), and his team for work on this.
I will send the call just as soon as the committee finishes its work. Hopefully by the middle of November. Submissions will be due in January.

2. Program. Thanks to the Program Committee for the massive amount of work they've done to finalize the program for 2014:  Rosanne Brown (Chair), Nyambura Susan Maina (Assistant Chair), Teresa Duncan (Section 1 Chair), Brett Campbell (Section 2 Chair), Zollie Stevenson (Section 3 Chair), and Dale Whittington (Section 4 Chair).

2a. Acceptances. Notification of acceptances and feedback on rejections will be sent to submitters at the beginning of November.

2b. Annual Conference Satisfaction Stats. Each year AERA collects data on attendee satisfaction with the Annual Conference. Overall, 83.3% of atendees were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the 2013 Annual Meeting (San Francisco). (89.2% in 2009, San Diego; 82.3% in 2010, Denver; 86.3% in 2011, New Orleans; 86.8% in 2012, Vancouver).
Division H respondees being "satisfied" or "very satisfied" was 81.6%. The 12 Divisions ranged from 79.2% to 88.2%. We are right at the median. The Division H leadership will be examining our numbers in the weeks ahead.

Through many discussions at the Division and AERA levels, there is the general feeling that a face-to-face Annual Meeting is still very useful. Current discussions revolve around ways to enhance the use of techology before, during, and after the Annual Meeting--making the electronic program easier to use, enhancing discussion of ideas, and promoting networking.

3. Mentee Reports. Each year Division H presents four $1000 awards to early career and/or last year graduate students to visit a Division H member for professional development. Visits must be completed in the calendar year in which they are awarded; mentees must provide a write-up of their experience.

We have two more mentees who have completed their experience--Pius Ochwo (mentor Tremayne Waller) and Cordelia Lamb (mentor Dawn Williams). Photos and write-ups will be attached to the next blast.
Four more mentorships will be available in 2014. For additional information contact Toni Stroter (

4. Centennial Survey. Division H is getting ready for AERA's Centennial celebration during the 2015 and 2016 Annual Meetings. This is especially relevant to Division H since the origins of AERA are with school district folks.  Expect a survey soon that asks about important developments in our field over the years and individuals important to those developments.

6. Jobs/Calls for Papers/Calls for Applications.

6a. University of North Carolina, Greensboro. The Department of Educational Research Methodology (ERM) has an opening for an Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in the Department of Educational Research Methodology. Review of applications will begin15-November 2013. For more information contact Randy Penfield,, Direct any telephone inquiries to Rachel Hill, ERM Administrative Assistant, at 336-334-3471

6b. Boston University. The School of Education at Boston University invites applications for a full-time, Clinical Assistant Professor, non-tenure track, with a focus on quantitative methods. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2013. Inquiries may be directed to the Chair of the Search Committee: Dr. Jeanne Paratore,

6c. AERA's Undergraduate Student Education Research Training Program. The American Educational Research Association (AERA) invites fellowship applications for an Undergraduate Student Education Research Training Workshop to be held Thursday, April 3 - Saturday, April 5, 2014 during the 2014 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. This workshop is designed to build the talent pool of undergraduate students who plan to pursue doctorate degrees in education research or in disciplines and fields that examine education issues.

To apply, complete the AERA Undergraduate Student Education Research Training Workshop Online Application no later thanDecember 6, 2013. Direct all questions to George L. Wimberly, Director of Social Justice and Professional Development, at 202-238-3200 or

6d. Call for Papers on the theme “Growth, Learning, Assessment and Assessination.” The National Art Education Association issues group,, publishes a peer-reviewed, online journal, JSTAE-Journal of Social Theory in Art Education which is currently calling for submissions due November 15, 2013 on the theme “Growth, Learning, Assessment andAssessination.” The publication date is summer 2014. For more information contact Sharif Bey, Editor at

6f. Stanford University. The Stanford Graduate School of Education seeks to fill a tenure-track, open-rank faculty position in Educational Measurement and Assessment. Questions pertaining to this position may be directed to the search committee:  Sean F. Reardon; Kenji Hakuta; Pam Grossman


7. AERA News.

7a. Virtual Research Learning Center. AERA now has an online resource for professional development on research methods, data analysis, and professional career development. Visit for more informaiton.

7b. Fellowships and Grants. In addition to the fellowship described above, AERA has several other opportunities with deadlines from Nov 15 to January 31. Visit for more information.