1. Program Committee.
1a. 2014 Program. The 2014 AERA Annual Meeting is in Philadelphia. The Division H Program Committee is now arranging for reviews of all submissions. This process is usually complete by the end of Sept and program sessions assembled by the end of October. Notification of acceptances and rejections will occur in November. For additional information contact Rosanne Brown,rosanne.brown@peelsb.com.
1b. Modifications to Division H's Four Sections. Have you ever wanted to submit a proposal to Div H, but it didn't seem to fit any of the current sections? Have you ever been a reviewer and wondered about the fit of a submission to your section? Some of these issues have been raised in the past couple of years. This year, the Program Committee will be revisiting section titles and descriptions. This year we're just exploring the desirability of change. We will give everyone plenty of time to review and respond to any proposed changes. Any changes will be made for the 2015 call. If you do have any suggestions, please contact our current program chair -Rosanne Brown, rosanne.brown@peelsb.com
2. Heads Up.
2a. Graduate Student Representative. Division H, as with all AERA divisions, chooses a graduate student each year to coordinate various sessions at the Annual Meeting, communicate with other graduate students about Division H, and represent Division H on the AERA Graduate Student Council.This is a great opportunity to become involved with Division H and AERA. Support is provided to attend the Annual Conference.
The call for nominations goes out at the end of the year. Self-nominations are welcome. Be watching for the call.
This year our Senior Representative is Ruhan Circi (ruhan.circi@colorado.edu) and our Junior Representative (who will take over as Senior Representative next year) is Matt Lavery (mattlavery@knights.ucf.edu).
2b. Publication Awards. The call for submissions for the Division H 2014 Publication Awards will go out in November. Submissions serve as recognition for authors, but they also serve an additional purpose--they provide ideas for others on how to write various types of reports and design various types of program evaluations, applied research, and assessment systems. So, please think about what you might want to share with others.
All submissions are now made electronically and will be made available to others through our Annual Meeting Exhibits Booth and Website.
2c. Membership Webinar. After the success of the membership webinar last January, the Membership Committee is considering a similar activity this year. More information will be available in the months ahead. Our membership co-chairs this year are Whitney Bortz (whitneyelaine8@gmail.com) and Marisa delCampo (marisa.a.delcampo@gmail.com).
3. Division H Officer and Committee Contacts. We've had some updates in contact information for officers and committee chairs. The newest roster is available on our website.
4. Website. Matthew Lavery is our webmaster this year. He is busily updating our Website at http://bit.ly/DivisionH. Find current information about committee chairs, calls for submissions, and the historical records of Division H.
Updating the website is an ongoing process, and a lot of sub-pages have been added to the site over time. If you notice any errors on the website or find any out-of-date material, feel free to send an email to DivisionH.Webmaster@gmail.com to let us know. Please paste the full address of the page where you found the problem into the email, and give us any details that we'll need to know to fix it. Thanks for your help!
5. University of Michigan Jobs. The University of Michigan is hiring several colleagues--senior and junior level representing a range of methodological approaches--to bring strength and expertise to the study of diversity and equity issues/processes relevant to education. For addition information contact Tabbye Chavous at tchavous@umich.edu or go to http://bit.ly/1ezgdTW