Hello Division H'ers. The Annual Meeting is just around the corner--April 5-7 in Philadelphia. This blast provides information on the Division H program (#3 below), volunteer calls (#2 below), and graduate student calls (#1 below). Remember to get a ticket (only $10) for the Breakfast/Business Meeting on April 6 (see #3e below). The Division H Highlights (#3 below) includes activities that do not appear in the on-line program.
1. Graduate Student Calls for Annual Meeting. For more information about the following, contact Ruhan Circi or Matt Lavery atDivisionH.GraduateStudents@gmail.com.
1a. Research Roundtables. As part of Division H's Graduate Student Orientation and Early Career Mentoring Session we will have Research Roundtables in which students bring their research-in-progress for discussion. We encourage students to submit a proposal to Matt and Ruhan. (We have already received 21 submission, but could handle a few more.) The application form is attached. Each presenter is eligible for $50 support to attend the Annual Meeting.
1b. Coffee Mentoring. Ruhan and Matt will match up graduate students and veteran Division H members with similar interests. Pairs will arrange a time to meet at the Annual Meeting. Mentors receive up to $25 for food and beverages.
To apply to be a Mentee: http://bit.ly/CoffeeApp,
To volunteer to be a Mentor: http://bit.ly/MentorVolunteer.
2. Volunteers Needed at the Annual Meeting.
2a. Exhibits Booth. We electronically display submissions for our annual Publication Awards in the exhibits area at the Annual Meeting. We need two volunteers to "person" the booth for each hour time slot. Please sign up at http://doodle.com/55ny87uhhz8yr986.
Write your name and check off the times that you will volunteer. Be sure to hit the save button (scroll to the right). Then leave your email and cell phone number in a single comment below, so that we can send out additional information as the conference approaches.
We are booth 117 in the exhibit hall, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 200 Level, Hall E, open Friday, April 4 – Sunday, April 6.
Graduate students who volunteer are eligible for a ticket to the Division H Breakfast/Business Meeting (see #3e below).
Thank you to our Booth team, Glynn Ligon and Sarah Newton. Stop by the booth and see the technological upgrades made by Glynn.
2b. Welcome Table. Our Membership Co-chairs, Marisa delCampo and Whitney Bortz, will be recruiting new members at the Exhibits Booth (see #2a for location), Div H Social (see #3h for location), and perhaps other Division-wide sessions and events. They are looking for volunteers to assist. Please contact Marisa at marisa.a.delcampo@gmail.com or Whitney atwhitneyelaine8@gmail.com.
2c. Raffle Items. Division H raffles door prize items at our annual Breakfast/Business Meeting (see #3e below). Please contact Jenny Quynn, jenny@zoetic.assessment.com, if you can donate a raffle item.
3. Division H Program. The program for the Annual Meeting is now available on-line. To view the program you must be an AERA member. To get to the Division H program, go to the AERA main page and log in. Then:
Go to the "Annual Meeting" page, "Program Information" box, and click on "Online Program Portal."
This takes you to your personal information page. Scroll down to "2014 AERA Annual Meeting" and click on "Online Program Portal."
Click on "View the Online Program."
Click on "Browse By Unit."
Click on "Division."
Click on "Division H."
If you click on any subcategory you will be shown the program by day and time.
Division H Highlights:
3a. Division H Graduate Student/Early Career Mentoring Seminar: Exploring Opportunities for Involvement, experience, and Mentoring in Research, Evaluation, and Assessment." Thursday, April 3, 10 am to noon, Convention Center, 100 Level, 113A. Introduction to AERA, Division H, and the Annual Meeting; information about how to apply for a $1000 Mentor visit; Research Roundtables. Refreshments. Thank you to our graduate student representatives, Ruhan Circi and Matt Lavery, and our Early Career Mentoring Committee Chair, Toni Stroter, for organizing this session.
3b. Division H Leadership Meeting (Movers and Shakers). Thursday, April 3, 8-10 pm, Marriott, VP Suite (room number to be announced). Don't let the name put you off. This is a chance to meet and greet, get involved in Division H activities, and conduct a little Division H Business. This year we will vote on revised Section descriptions (see attached) and will provide input on the Centennial Survey. Refreshments.
3c. VP Invited Session: "Fresh and Innovative Graduate Student Work in School-Based Research, Evaluation, and Assessment." Friday, April 4, 8:15-10:15 am, Convention Center, 100 Level, 121C. This is our graduate student invited poster session organized by our graduate student representatives, Ruhan Circi and Matt Lavery. Please come support our graduate students.
3d. VP Invited Session: "The Use of Student Learning Objectives in Teacher Evaluation: Measurement and Policy Considerations." Friday, April 4, 12:25-1:55 pm, Convention Center, 100 Level, 116. This is a joint session with two affiliated organizations--Directors of Research in Education (DRE) and the National Association of Test Directors (NATD). Thanks to Toni Stroter for organizing this session.
3e. Division H Business and Breakfast Meeting. Sunday, April 6, 8:00-10:15 am, Marriott, Third Level, Liberty AB. This is when we present Publication Awards and recognize those who have contributed time to Division H this year. Door prizes and raffle items abound! We welcome new members; identify yourselves when you arrive and we will pair you with a veteran Division H'er.
Breakfast tickets are available from AERA for a mere $10 thanks to generous support from Pearson and Mid-Atlantic REL. You must be a Division H member or guest to get a breakfast ticket; everyone is invited to the business meeting. Thanks to our Breakfast Committee Chair, Jenny Quynn, and to everyone who has contributed a raffle item.
3f. VP Invited Session: "Taking Stock of America's Teacher Evaluation Tempest." Sunday, April 6, 4:05-6:05 pm, Convention Center, 100 Level, 116. This session features several past AERA presidents including Jim Popham, David Berliner, and Linda Darling-Hammond.
3g. Graduate Student Reception. Sunday, April 6, 5:00-7:00 pm, VP Suite, Marriott (room to be announced). This is a chance to socialize and discuss conference experiences. It conflicts somewhat with 3f, but try to come to both. Veteran Division H members--please come and network with graduate students. Refreshments.
3h. Division H Social. Sunday, April 6, 7-10:00 pm. Historic Morris House Hotel, 231 South 8th Street. This continues the tradition of having the social in a cool location (thanks Peter Hendrickson and Bobbi Newman). Expect about 100 attendees. Complimentary food and beverages. Bring guests.
3i. VP Invited Session: "Do African American Male Students Still Lag Behind Given the Multiplicity of Changes in Program, Policies, and Practices?" Monday, April 7, 8:15-10:15 am, Convention Center, 100 Level, 116. This session was organized by our Affirmative Action Committee (thank you Debra Ortloff).
3j. AERA Presidential, Division H and NATD joint session: "Transitioning to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS): An Overview of the Activities of the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers and Smarter Balance to Build Capacity for Implementation of the CCSS and CCSS-Aligned Assessments with a Focus on Technology Readiness."Monday, April 7, 10:35-12:105, Convention Center, 100 level, 119 B. Thanks to Toni Stroter for organizing this session.
3k. Division H Fireside Chat: "See the Future: Technology in the Lives and Careers of Graduate Students and Early-Career Researchers." Monday, April 7, 12:25-1:55 pm, Convention Center, 100 Level, 112B. This is a chance for graduate students and early career professionals to interact with a panel of experts. (Thanks to our graduate student representatives, Matt Lavery and Ruhan Circi for organizing this session.)
4. Local Guest Visitor's Program 2014. AERA provides a free one-day registration for up to 15 local educators who wish to attend the Annual Meeting. This is the second year Paul LeMahieu has coordinated this effort for Division H. This year, Division H will host guests from the National Writing Project in the Philadelphia Public Schools (and perhaps other school districts).
These educators will attend the meeting on Saturday, April 5. Paul and his team will select a menu of sessions that might be of especial interest to these educators, and will orient our guests to AERA and the Annual Meeting Saturday morning.
We will also host our guests at a debrief/reception Saturday from 5:30 to 6:45 in the VP Suite, Marriott Hotel (room to be announced). Please feel free to come and meet our guest practitioners.
5. Monetary Support for Graduate Students. All graduate student members of Division H who present a paper (regardless of unit) are eligible for $50 support from Division H to attend the Annual Meeting. We will have reimbursement forms available at all Division H-wide sessions (those listed in #3 above). The form is also attached. Be sure to write your session title, date, and time on the form.
Your claim will need to be endorsed by either myself or our incoming VP, Zollie Stevenson. I will be at all the sessions listed in #3 above. If you need endorsement after the conference, please send your claim to Zollie at zollie.stevenson@howard.edu. He and I will forward your claims to AERA.
6. RFP from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Wisconsin’s Equity and Inclusion Laboratory. They are soliciting written proposals to evaluate the Pre-College Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence (PEOPLE) program. Proposals are due April 1. Additional information is attached.
This is my final comprehensive blast as Division H VP (although you may get a couple of last-minute shorties from me over the next month). Thanks to everyone for their support the last three years. Our in-coming VP is Zollie Stevenson, a long-time member of Division H who has been involved with just about every committee. He will be terrific!