1. Publication Awards Due January 12. Each year Division H awards publications in six categories--applied research methodology, applied research report, evaluation, assessment, dissertation, and communication. You will need to submit an electronic copy of your submission, any supporting material, and the submission form to Dale at whittington_d@shaker.org. Details are available at: http://www.aera.net/DivisionH/Awards/tabid/11267/Default.aspx
NOTE: We are extending the deadline for submissions for the Dissertation category of our yearly Publication Awards to January 19. Division H awards up to two dissertations. The first place winner receives $1000; the second place winner receives $500. Awardees are announced at the Division H Breakfast and Business Meeting at AERA's Annual Conference. This year the Breakfast/Business Meeting is Sunday, April 6, 8-10 am at the Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. (Location has not yet been assigned.)