Div B Graduate Students
Div B Graduate Students
Welcome to our Div B Grad Student Page!

This page is currently under construction but will soon be full of resources, information and announcements. Please let us know what you’d like to see, or any information you think might be helpful to see on this website. 

As we count down the months towards the upcoming conference this year (April 23-27 2025 in Denver) We will add more and more information about how to register, navigate and finance your conference attendance.

2022-2020 Grad Reps



Nice to Meet You!
Emmanuel and & I welcome you to Division B! The start of the semester is right around the corner - and we wish you a smooth start Please feel free to email us at ychoi322@wisc.edu & mrejw513@gmail.com.
Get Involved with Div B!

Sign up to be a part of the Div B Grad School Exec Team! We are looking to create a Division B Grad Student Executive Team. Email sishmael@wisc.edu for more information.

Please take a moment to take our 5 question survey (quick we promise!) It will help us be able to advocate for more resources, funding and opportunities from the wider organization! Div B Grad Student Survey - Click Here!

Conferences Relevant to the Curriculum Studies Field

Conferences Relevant to the Curriculum Studies Field

if you’d like to add to this list just email Sarah at sishmael@wisc.edu

October 13-15, 2022 - Dayton, Ohio

Oct. 18-20, 2022 - State College, PA

October 26-28, 2022 - Edwardsville, IL

November 2-6, 2022, Pittsburg, PA

(Past) April 19-21, 2022 - San Diego, CA

(Past) June 15-17 - Oxford, OH

(Past) June 8-10, 2022