2023-2026Theodorea Regina Berry
AERA and Division B have been my scholarly academic home since my first days as a doctoral student. I am deeply grateful for all of the opportunities this Division has offered to me---from my acceptance and attendance of the very first Division B graduate student pre-conference seminar, to my days as an AERA-IES Postdoctoral Research Fellow, to serving as Division B Secretary, to my current role---Division B has been my constant. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Curriculum Studies is the space where we examine, explore, investigate and interrogate what we know, and how we know what we know in the context of identity, space, and place. Knowledge acquisition , knowledge construction, and knowledge production are key concepts to this endeavor we call curriculum studies. Curriculum, like stories, does not live in isolation but is interdependent, intertwined, and inextricably tied to the lived experience. Every aspect of curriculum lives in the space we call Curriculum Studies.