Division B Leadership (2023 - 2024)
Vice President
Theodorea Regina Berry, Montclair State University-Bloomfield College, trberry1913@gmail.com Secretary
Erika C. Bullock, University of Wisconsin - Madiso, ecbullock@wisc.edu
Equity and Inclusion Officer
Boni Fernandes Wozolek, Pennsylvania State University - Abington, bfw5188@psu.edu
Graduate Student Senior Representative
Younsun Choi, ychoi322@wisc.edu
Graduate Student Junior Representative
Emmanuel James Watkins, mrejw513@gmail.com
Program Co-Chairpersons
Jacquie Forbes, Dickinson College-Education
Kevin Clay, Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Division B Section Leaders
Division B Program Co-Chairs:
Section 1 Co-chairs: Cultural Inquiry in Curriculum Studies
Paul William Eaton, pweaton@gmail.com
Bretton Varga, California State University, Chico, bvarga@csuchioc.edu
Section 2 Co-chairs: Exploring Past, Present, and Future Curricular Questions
Victoria Gill, victoria.gill@gmail.com
Saba Khan Vlach, University of Iowa, saba-vlach@uiowa.edu
Section 3 Co-chairs: Theories, Methodologies, and Philosophies of Curriculum Studies
Rachel Gomez, Virgina Commonwealth University, gomezr3@vcu.edu
Sam Tanner, University of Iowa, samuel-tanner@uiowa.edu
Section 4 Co-chairs: Policies and the Politics of Curriculum
Sherry Deckman, CUNY Graduate Center and Lehman College, sherry.deckman@lehman.cuny.edu
Tristan Gleason, Cal Poly Humbolt, tgg20@humbolt.edu
Section 5 Co-chairs: The Places and Praxis of Curriculum
Bessie Demikos, Florida Atlantic University, bdemikos@fau.edu
Chrystal S. Johnson, Purdue University, johnsocs@purdue.edu
Section 6 Co-chairs: De/Colonization and Transformative Curriculum Studies
Blanca Caldas, University of Minnesota, 1 blanca.caldas75@gmail.com
Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailón, University of Nevada - Reno, olmo.freire@gmail.com
Division B Committees Officer Nominations Committee
Ella Baker/Septima Clark Human Rights Award Committee
Chair: Roland Mitchell. Louisiana State University
Outstanding Dissertation Award
Chair: Langston Clark, University of Texas at San Antonio
Outstanding Book Award
Chair: Asia S. Thomas Uzomba, American University
Lifetime Achievement Award
Chair: LaGarrett King, University of Buffalo
Professional Development Director
Robert J. Helfenbein, Mercer University
Communications Director
Sujuta Pishatory-Norman, University of Hartford