Selected graduate students received sponsorship for their meeting registration fees and a small travel stipend.
Jocelyn Belden, Graduate Student
Jocelyn Belden is a fourth-year graduate Ph.D. student at Georgia State University in the Learning Sciences Department. She has taught in education for 14 years, and at Georgia State, she supervises students in their student teaching practicum. Her research interest involves equitable teaching, teacher qualifications, and professional development practices to teach culturally and linguistically diverse learners in special education. She recently finished her residency study on Metro Teachers' Self-efficacy and Preparedness to Teach English Language Learners with Disabilities.
Claudia Hagan, Graduate Student
Claudia Hagan is a Doctoral candidate in Science Education at the Georgia State University College of Education and Human Development. Combining upbeat encouragement and keen intuition from her years in the science classroom, Claudia's primary work is in supporting and molding GSU's teacher candidates. Her dissertation follows several preservice teachers through Georgia State's initial teacher preparation program. At the heart of her dissertation study is assessing GSU’s science education program’s ability to shift preservice teachers’ ideologies around critical science education instruction. Among Claudia's research positions are 4 years working in partnership with Florida State University on an NSF grant focused on developing a professional learning through collaborative design for science teachers. Her work on the grant centered on developing, designing, and evaluating a year-long professional development for science teachers. Continuing to design and reiterate programs, she worked 2 years on another NSF grant, developing STEM professionals as educators and teacher leaders. Currently she is the Director of Georgia State’s new program supporting induction teachers impacted by the pandemic post-graduation. Claudia's passion remains supporting teachers both logistically and emotionally through well-designed programs. She plans to continue this work both in academia and through teacher support organizations after defending in spring 2023.
Eva Laryea, Graduate Student
Eva Laryea is an international graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Research, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment at the University of Southern Mississippi. She is a graduate teaching and research assistant at the said university. Her current research is focused on the sense of belonging of international students on the United States university campus. This would be her first time attending AERA Conference and she is so excited to be a participant in the event.
Julie Milner, Graduate Student
Julie Milner is a candidate in the Doctor of Education Transformational Leadership program at Long Island University in New York, where she is also an adjunct professor of education. Her dissertation is focused on the cultural relevance of gifted education for the Chinese American community, she is on the editorial board for New York University’s education journal, Voices in Urban Education (VUE), and a reviewer for this 2023 AERA Conference. Julie is interested in the Accreditation, Assessment, and Program Evaluation in Education Preparation (AAPE) SIG because as a former New York City Teaching Fellow and current professor of education, she is committed to ensure teachers are best prepared to close the equity gaps for their most vulnerable students. Thanks to AAPE for the generous support to attend this event!
Clement Yeboah, Graduate Student
Clement Yeboah is a Ph. D. student studying Research, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment, at the University of Southern Mississippi, USA. Clement is a teaching and research assistant at the said university. His writings have been published in the International Journal of Computer Science Issues. Currently, his research is focused on Computer Game-Based Pedagogy: An Experimental Investigation where he is developing two computer learning games. One for the experimental group and the other for the control group. He is a reviewer for Mid-West Educational Research Association and Mid-South Educational Research Association. Clement has fallen in love with Accreditation, Assessment, and Program Evaluation in Education Preparation (AAPE) SIG because his passion for developing knowledge through empirical study relating to education and learning aligns with the entity’s aims and scope. The 2023 AERA conference would be his first meeting with the members of this reputable association. Thank you so much for selecting me to receive funding for AERA 2023. Shalom!
Selected early carreer professionals received sponsorship for their meeting registration fees.
Theresa Abah, Early Career Professional
Theresa Abah is Assistant Professor Gerontology, at California State University, Sacramento with extensive healthcare management and geriatrics expertise. She obtained her doctorate degree in Health Services Research, with major in Gerontology from the University of North Texas. Her research interest centers on understanding implementation processes that influence older adult policies and practices, with emphasis on program design, evaluation and assessments, and how changes in system approach could shape the aging experience for different subgroups. She applies interdisciplinary approaches and collaborative outcome-based health services research to identify actionable strategies leveraged on education, health promotion and education in implementing evidence.
Jessica Albrent, Early Career Professional
Jessica Albrent, EdD is recent graduate of Johns Hopkins University and is currently in her first year as an assistant professor at the Lahore University of Management Sciences in the School of Education. Her research interests cover two areas: data use practices to support the inclusion of traditionally marginalized students into increased opportunities to learn, and using design thinking as a tool for school improvement. Jessica is currently leading the development of a teacher training program at LUMS focused on instructional leadership. Because Pakistan does not require school teachers to have formal training in educational and pedagogical practice, the LUMS teacher training program is a much-anticipated step towards filling a significant need for teacher education in the educational community. Prior to making the transition into higher education, Jessica had over a decade of experience as a teacher and leader in international schools in six countries across Africa and Asia.