Message from SIG Co-Chairs
Message from SIG Co-Chairs
SIG Co-Chairs


Beloved Philanthropy and Education Community,

Our SIG is home to a diverse and supportive community of students, researchers, and practitioners who share an excitement about the impact of education research on addressing issues of importance to the field. Our SIG and AERA are committed to offering a rich collection of learning, networking, and mentoring opportunities for our members through in-person and virtual Annual Meeting-related activities.  We are proud of the community we've built and keenly aware of the exciting work ahead.

We are honored to serve as Co-Chairs of your SIG and share that this year our leadership team has renewed its commitment to using this SIG as a space for learning, organizing, and building relationships between students, researchers, and philanthropy toward transformational racial and social equity. For this reason, as Co-Chairs of the AERA SIG on Philanthropy and Education, we wanted to take a moment to invite you to join or rejoin AERA and our SIG if you have not already. We hope you will join us and spread the word.

By joining/rejoining AERA and our SIG today, you will play a pivotal role in supporting education research; the scholars, researchers, and practitioners of today and the future; and the vital work of our community.

If you have questions about SIG activities or what role you can play as an active member, please do not hesitate to write. If you have questions on membership, don't hesitate to contact   the AERA  Membership Team at or call (202)238-3200

We look forward to our exciting year ahead at AERA and in our SIG.

With every good wish,

Laurie Goodman and Ida Oberman

Philanthropy and Education SIG Co-Chairs 2024-2025