Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development
Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development
Who We Are
The Research on Giftedness, Creativity , and Talent (RGCT) Special Interest Group (AERA) deals with research studies that focus on how giftedness, talent, and creativity are developed and nurtured. The SIG encourages both international and national studies involving qualitative and/or quantitative methods in a wide variety of topics: Conceptions, Models, Identification, Programs and Practices, Counseling, Creativity, Thinking Skills, Disabilities, Parenting, and Diversity.
2022 SIG Social Sponsors

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2025 Newsletter Items

You are invited to contribute items of interest to our membership for inclusion in the Fall 2019 ROGCT SIG newsletter. Submissions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Reports from ROGCT committee chairs
  • Information about other conferences/PD opportunities
  • Awards
  • Brief abstracts of recent publications or accomplishments of SIG members
  • Interviews with notable people in our field
  • Brief columns with recommendations and strategies for conducting and publishing research related to giftedness, creativity, and talent development

Please email your submissions for the Spring newsletter to

By-Law Change
During the 2016 SIG business meeting in Washington, DC, we voted to extend the program chair position to two years from one year. This change will take effect for the person elected Assistant Program Chair in 2017. That person will serve as Assistant Program Chair for one year and then Program Chair for two years. In subsequent years, the elected person will serve as Assistant Program Chair for two years and Program Chair for two years.
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