Graduate Student Travel Award (2025)
The Graduate Student Travel Award is given to graduate students who are the first author on an accepted paper that has been judged excellent by the reviewer(s), reimbursable after presentation and paper upload if selected.


Eligibility Criteria:


Graduate student is first author.
Graduate student is a member of ROGCT SIG.
Graduate student is a verified student at the time of the AERA conference.
In order to receive funding, the graduate student must:
1. provide verification that the graduate student has not received funding for the conference that would exceed actual expenses, and 
2. upload the final presentation and paper prior to the conference.
Form of Recognition:
Award up to $750 for travel, certificate, and recognition at the SIG business meeting.
Application Timeline:
Applications for the Graduate Student Travel Award should be submitted via the application portal ( and are due January 15, 2025 (date subject to change) . 
Award winners will be notified in February, 2025. Award will be announced and presented at the SIG Business Meeting at the AERA Conference, April 2025.
For any questions, please contact the chair of the awards committee, Dr. Tracey Sulak (
Path Breaker Award (2025)

The Path Breaker Award is given in recognition of collaborative research by a scholar and graduate student who co-author an article related to giftedness, creativity, or talent that is published in a journal not traditionally or regularly focused on these fields. The Path Breaker Award is designed to reward scholars in our field for publishing in journals that would not traditionally include articles with a focus on gifted, talented, or creative populations. The article should be published in the last two years (2023-2025).

Selection Criteria (in the following order of importance, beginning with most important):

  • Quality of the article (new data or analysis of existing data, strong methodology, etc.).
  • Prestige of journal in which the article has been accepted.
  • The compelling arguments of the submitted rationale.

Nominations for the Path Breaker Award should be sent by January 15, 2025 (date subject to change) through the application portal

For any questions, please contact the chair of the awards committee, Dr. Tracey Sulak (

The AERA Special Interest Group for Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent gives three awards to deserving colleagues in the research community.  The Michael Pyryt Collaboration Award and Path Breaker Award are given on alternating years and the Graduate Student Travel Award is given annually.