Who We Are
Who We Are
QR SIG Purpose

The Qualitative Research Special Interest Group, QRSIG, established in 1987, was created to provide a space within AERA for the discussion of philosophical, ethical, and methodological issues in Qualitative Research as well as to seek cutting edge approaches to qualitative research methods.  The QRSIG strives to legitimize all non traditional forms of research, and to support other SIG's and Divisions with similar interests and goals, including an emphasis on ways that qualitative research may contribute to reducing inequality and injustice in schools and society.

QR SIG Officers and Committee Chairs



Jennifer R. Wolgemuth, University of South Florida, jrwolgemuth@usf.edu 

Program Co-Chairs

Renuka de Silva, University of North Dakota, renuka.desilva@und.edu 

 Shena Sanchez, University of Alabama, shena.sanchez@ua.edu


Maureen Flint, University of Georgia, Maureen.Flint@uga.edu


Stephanie Anne Shelton, University of Alabama, sashel@unc.edu

Mentoring Committee Chair

Susan Cannon, University of Georgia, cannonso@uga.edu 

Travel Award Committee Chair

 Alex Panos, University of South Florida, ampanos@usf.edu

Book Award Committee Chair

Pengfei Zhao, McGill University, peng-fei.zhao@mcgill.ca

Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee Chair

Emily Nusbaum, Mills College at Northeastern and University of California - Berkeley,   emilynusbaumphd@gmail.com 

Egon G. Guba Award Committee Chair

Elsa Gonzalez, University of Houston, elsa@tamu.edu

Podcast Committee Chair 

James Salvo, Wayne State University, salvo3000@gmail.com 

Graduate Student Committee Chair 

April M. Jones, University of Alabama, jones100@crimson.ua.edu 

Research Committee

Jessica Van Cleave, Co-Chair, Gardner-Webb University, jvancleave@gardner-webb.edu

Newsletter Editors

Tanja Burkhard, Georgia State Univeristy, tburkhard@gsu.edu

Vivek Vellanki, Indiana Univeristy, vwellan@iu.edu


Jonathan Coker, Coastal Carolina University, jcoker@coastal.edu



Structure & Governance

The By-laws of the SIG consist of the statement of mission, the listing of the roles and duties of officers, description of the elections at Annual Meeting, description of and support for the Egon G. Guba Invited Address at the Annual Meeting. Read More
In Memoriam

Sari Knopp Biklen

John Ogbu

Elliot Eisner

Egon Guba

Clifford Geertz

Brigitte Smit

Norman Denzin