2024 Winner: Recovering Black Storytelling in Qualitative Research: Endarkened Storywork (Routledge, 2021) by Stephanie R. Toliver.
2023 Winner: Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts (Routledge, 2022) by Anna CohenMiller and Nettie Boivin
2023 Honorable Mention: Decolonial Feminist Research: Haunting, Rememory and Mothers. (Routledge, 2020) by Jeong-eun Rhee.
2023 Honorable Mention: Weaving an Otherwise: In-Relations Methodological Practice (Routledge, 2022) edited by Amanda Tachine & Z Nicolazzo
2022: No award given
2021 Winner: Focus Groups: Culturally Responsive Approaches for Qualitative Inquiry and Program Evaluation (Myers Education, 2020) by Jori Hall
2021 Honorable Mention: Arts-Based Educational Research and Qualitative Inquiry (Routledge, 2020) by Thalia Mulvihill and Raji Swaminathan.
2020 Winner: Qualitative Inquiry, Cartography, and the Promise of Social Change (Routledge, 2018) by Aaron Kuntz
2019 Winner: Photovoice Research in Education and Beyond: A Practical Guide from Theory to Exhibition (Routledge, 2017) by Amanda O. Latz
2019 Honorable Mention: Love in the Time of Ethnography: Essays on Connection as a Focus and Basis for Research (Lexington Books, 2018) edited by Lucinda Carspecken
2018 Winner: Discursive perspectives on education policy and implementation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) edited by Jessica Nina Lester, Chad R. Lochmiller, and Rachael Gabriel
2018 Honorable Mention: Modes of Thinking for Qualitative Data Analysis (Routledge, 2017) by Melissa Freeman
2017 Winner: On Mutant Pedagogies: Seeking Justice and Drawing Change in Teacher Education (Springer, 2016) by Stephanie Jones and James F. Woglom
2017 Honorable Mention: The Responsible Methodologist: Inquiry, Truth-telling, and Social Justice (Left Coast Press, 2015) by Aaron Kuntz
2016 Winner: Crafting Phenomenological Research (Routledge, 2014) by Mark Vagle
2015 Winner: Humanizing Research: Decolonizing Qualitative Inquiry with Youth and Communities (Sage, 2014) edited by Django Paris and Maisha T. Winn
2014 Winner: The Constructivist Credo (Routledge, 2013) by Yvonna S. Lincoln and Egon G. Guba
2013 Winner: Urban Youth and School Pushout: Gateways, Get-Aways, and the GED (Routledge, 2012) by Eve Tuck
2012 Winner: Ethnotheatre: Research from Page to Stage (Routledge, 2011) by Johnny Saldaña
2011: Playbuilding as Qualitative Research: A Participatory Arts-Based Approach (Routledge, 2009) by Joe Norris
2024 Co-Winner: Jacob Bunch. Assistive technology lifeworlds: Inclusive qualitative methodological innovations for diverse bodyminds. (Arizona State University, 2023)
2024 Co-Winner: Patricia (“Tita”) Feraud-King. 'You Crazy': Examination of Black transnational collegians’ mental health at historically white institutions. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2023).
2024 Honorable Mention: Anani Vasquez. Micromoments in neuroplexure: creative (professional) learning for post-oppositional transformation in inclusive education. (Arizona State University, 2023)
2023 Winner: Giovani Pietro Dazzo. Restorative validity: Exploring how critical participatory inquiry can promote peace, justice, and healing. (George Mason University, 2022)
2023 Honorable Mention: Jonathan M. Coker. A Bathroom Break for Teachers: An Institutional Ethnotheatrical Inquiry. (University of South Florida, 2022)
2023 Honorable Mention: Brian Mooney. To Speak a True Word: Remixing Hip Hop Pedagogies, Poetics, and Literacies (Columbia University, 2022).
2023 Honorable Mention: Janie Copple. Making Menstrual Knowledge Through Multi-Genre Methodologies: Mothers’ Encounters with Children at Menarche (University of Georgia, 2022).
2022 Winner: Kahdeidra Monét Martin. Counterstories of Black High SchoolStudents and Graduates of NYC Independent Schools: A Narrative Case Study. (CUNY, 2021)
2021 Winner: Dr. Marie C. Vea. Sense of Place and Ways of Knowing: The Landscape of Experience for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in in Natural Resources, Environmental Education, and Place Based Learning. (University of Vermont, 2020).
2020 Winner: Mauren Flint. Methodological Orientations: College Student Navigations of Race and Place in Higher Education. (The University of Alabama, 2019)
2019 Winner: Travis Marn. Performing the Black-White Biracial Identity: The Material, Discursive, and Psychological Components of Subject Formation. (University of South Florida, 2018)
2018 Winner: Felicity Molloy. Fit to Teach: Tracing Embodied Methodologies of Dancers Who Come to Academia. (The University of Auckland, 2016)
2017 Winner: Tristan Gleason. Scientific Literacy and the Ontology of Science Education: A Case Study of Learning in the Outdoors. (University of Oregon, 2016)
2016 Winner: Courtney L. Rath. "Not a Thing but a Doing": Reconsidering Teacher Knowledge Through Diffractive Storytelling. (University of Oregon, 2015)
2015 Winner: Emma Rowe. Geo-Identity, Urban School Choice, and Education Campaigns for Public Schools. (Monash University, 2014)
2014 Winner: Marek Tesar. Governing Childhoods Through Stories: A Javelin Analysis of Childhood Subjectivities. (The University of Auckland, 2012)
2013 Winner: Jessica Lynn Van Cleave. Scientifically Based Research as a Regime of Truth: An Analysis Using Foucault's Genealogy and Governmentality. (University of Georgia, 2012)
2012 Winner: Crystal T. Laura. "Bad Boy": My Baby Brother and the Social Ecology of "Difference". (University of Illinois at Chicago, 2011)
2011 Winner: Amanda Kibler. Talking Writing: Adolescent English Learners in the Content Areas. (Stanford University, 2009)
2024: Dr. Lesley Bartlett, Professor and Department Chair, Department, Educational Policy Studies at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
2023: Dr. James Scheurich, Professor, Urban Education Studies Program, Indiana University at Indianapolis.
2022: Dr. Kakali Bhattacharya, Professor, Research Evaluation and Methodologies, University of Florida
2024: Dr. James Joseph "Jim" Scheurich, An Anti-Racist Critique Related to the Ontology and Epistemology of Qualitative Research
2023: Kakali Bhattacharya, Parikrama: Contemplations on Circles and Cycles in Anti-Oppressive Qualitative Research
2021: Mirka Koro, Speculative Experimentation in Methodological Pluriverse
2019: Leigh Patel, Troubling Categories In and About Qualitative Research
2018: Janet Miller, Post Autobiographic Re-turnings Relationalities: Feminist, Curriculum and Qualitative Inquiries
2017: Elizabeth St. Pierre, Postqualitative Inquiry in the Ontological Turn
2016: Cynthia B. Dillard, To (RE)search is to (RE)member: Endarkened Feminisms and the Work of Qualitative Inquiry
2015: Patricia Leavy
2014: Michelle Fine
2013: Iris Carlton-LeNey
2012: Marie Battiste
2011: Delores Delgado Bernal
2010: Handel K. Wright
2009: Yvonna S. Lincoln
2008: Rebecca Bloom
2007: Yvonna S. Lincoln
2006: Mica Pollock
2005: Patrick Slattery
Pre-2005 Lecturers
Elliot Eisner
John Ogbu
Lou Smith
Gail Mccoutchen
Valerie Janesick
Yvonna Lincoln
Thomas Schwandt
Nel Noddings
Patti Lather
Joe Maxwell
Norman Denzin
Joe Kincheloe
Gloria Ladson-Billings