
Call for Newsletter Articles

AERA Qualitative Research SIG Newsletter

We are always seeking contributions from QR SIG members for the newsletter. Ideas include (but are certainly not limited to):

  • Artwork or poetry related to qualitative methods
  • Articles on recent methodological innovations
  • Updates on QR SIG events at this year’s AERA conference
  • Ponderings and wanderings about qualitative inquiry
  • Tensions in and around the use of qualitative methods
  • Critiques of qualitative methods and responses to critiques
  • Theoretical issues related to your work
  • Implications for qualitative work in education
  • Video interviews or other interactive pieces
  • Qualitative research and current events

Articles are typically between 400–1000 words but we are happy to work with you regarding space. Pictures, poems, humor, quotes, photographs, video interviews and other genres/mediums are always welcome! 

Please send submissions to current newsletter editors: (Tanja Burkhard, and (Vivek Vellanki,

Regular Newsletter Columns

Methods News and Notes: This section will highlight the qualitative scholarship of SIG members.

Graduate Student Shout-Out: This column is a way to share information specific to grad students with our membership.

Qualitative Opportunities: This section highlights QR SIG or QR opportunities available to our members.

Announcements: This section highlights new scholarship on qualitative methodology. Please note that publication dates must be the current year. If interested in bringing greater attention to your work via the QR SIG, please send reference information (APA, 7th) and a brief 150-word description.

Member Spotlight on QRSIG New or Current Member: This section aims to highlight a new or current member and their research. Feel free to introduce yourself or another member doing interesting work.