About Our Awards

The Moral Development and Education (MDE) Special Interest Group (SIG) confers a Book Award and a Promise Award during our SIG Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. It is an exciting time in educational research related to moral development and education, and the MDE SIG encourages members to nominate exceptional work that moves the field forward in both new and established directions.

Book Award 

The purpose of the MDE Book Award is to recognize outstanding scholarly book contributions to the field in Moral Development and Education. The committee reviews nominations of books from the prior 3 years and makes the award based on its theoretical and practical significance to the field. The submission deadline for the Book Award is November 1st and all nominations, including self-nominations, should be sent to Awards Committee Chair via email (see below).

Promise Award 

The Promise Award is presented each year to a graduate student who exhibits outstanding potential for future contributions to the field. Historically, candidates for this award included only graduate students who had been nominated. As of 2022, the Awards Committee will review the proposals and final papers/presentations of all eligible participating graduate students. Specifically, eligible candidates include all graduate student members of the MDE-SIG, who are the sole or first author of the paper or work being presented. In short, nominations are no longer needed for eligible candidates to be considered for this award.

Past Book Award Honorees


Moral and Political Dimensions of Critical-Democratic Citizenship Education

Enhancing Social Justice, a Global Orientation, and Equity in Schools and Society

Brill, 2023

Wiel Veuglers

Moral and Political Title Image638616877799317264

From the Publisher:
In Moral and Political Dimensions of Critical-Democratic Citizenship Education, Wiel Veugelers analyses theory, policy and practice of moral education and citizenship education in the past few decades. He shows that there are different orientations in national and global moral education and citizenship education. He criticises the strong orientation on the individual and on adaptation, and argues for more emphasises on social justice, equity and democracy.

This volume brings together articles Veugelers published in the past 25 years. Each article is introduced by a reflection on the reasons for the article, its responses, and lessons that are still relevant. The book ends with a large chapter that overviews central developments and presents a programme for future theory, research, policy and practice in moral education and citizenship education with a strong focus on democracy and empowerment: the moral should become more political and the political more moral.


PRIMED for Character Education

Six Design Principles for School Improvement

Routledge, 2021

Marvin W. Berkowitz


From the Publisher:
In PRIMED for Character Education, renowned character educator Marvin W Berkowitz boils down decades of research on evidence-based practices and thought-provoking field experience into a clear set of principles that leaders, administrators, and teacher-leaders can implement to help students thrive.
The author’s original six-component framework offers a comprehensive guide to shaping purposeful learning environments, healthy relationships, core values and virtues, role models, empowerment, and long-term development in any PreK-12 school or district.
This engaging and heartfelt book features tips for practice, anecdotes from award-winning schools, and straightforward tenets from moral education, social-emotional learning, and positive psychology.


Moral Education for Social Justice

Teachers College Press, 2021

Larry Nucci, Robyn Ilten-Gee

ed for social

From the Publisher:
The authors draw from their work with teachers and students to address issues of social justice through the regular curriculum and everyday school life. This book illustrates an approach that integrates social justice education with contemporary research on students’ development of moral understandings and concerns for human welfare in order to critically address societal conventions, norms, and institutions. The authors provide a clear roadmap for differentiating moral education from religious beliefs and offer age-appropriate guidance for creating healthy school and classroom environments. Demonstrating how to engage students in critical thinking and community activism, the book includes proven-effective lessons that promote academic learning and moral growth for the early grades through adolescence. The text also incorporates recent work with social-emotional learning and restorative justice to nurture students’ ethical awareness and disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline.