Please contact one of the following people to share news with the SIG. We'd love to hear about your latest publications, presentations, awards, job postings, student opportunities, and other news and accomplishments!
Program Chair: Karyn Allee (
Social Media Coordinator: Laura McNeice (
SIG Webmaster: Stephanie Moore (
Did you know that the AERA membership lapses in December of each year unless you have manually gone in to change this? If you plan to attend the Annual Convention in April, you will need to renew your membership to the AERA Portal and Join our CTRP SIG. Login to Click Renew My Membership Purchase additional membership (if the SEL SIG 25 is not showing)
Dr. Jonan Donaldson, assistant professor and learning scientist, is coming to speak to Mercer University PhD students for a Lunch & Learn on Saturday, September 7 at 12:30 pm ET. He has graciously agreed to also be on Zoom so we can open this opportunity up to a wider audience!
The Zoom registration link is: