2024 Annual Meeting Home
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If your question is not answered below, please email annualmtg@aera.net for assistance.
General Information Registration Housing and Travel Submission Notifications, Program Changes, and Paper Uploads Programming COVID-19 Guidance Exhibits, Sponsorship, and Advertising Affiliate Group Space Childcare NCME
When and where will the 2024 Annual Meeting take place? The meeting will be held in Philadelphia April 11 through April 14.
The primary site of the Annual Meeting in Philadelphia is the Pennsylvania Convention Center. The headquarter hotels where additional sessions will be held are the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Le Meridien Philadelphia, Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, and The Notary Hotel.
You must enter the Convention Center at the Market Street entrance (next to the Dunkin Donuts at 1113 Market Street) to go to registration and pick up your badge.
Where can I view the program? Click here to view the program without logging in. The program is also available in the #AERA24 mobile app.
Does AERA offer financial support for Annual Meeting presenters and/or attendees? There is no general support provided for Annual Meeting presenters or attendees. The limited funds that are available are targeted toward graduate students and in some cases early career researchers. AERA offers the Annual Meeting Graduate Student Assistance Fund, which provides support to enable graduate student members of AERA with demonstrated need to offset the cost of attending the Annual Meeting. Some AERA Divisions and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide limited numbers of travel awards for graduate students and/or sponsored Annual Meeting registrations for graduate students and early career scholars. To learn more, contact your Division or SIG leadership.
Does AERA provide food during the meeting? Aside from catered receptions and events, AERA does not provide food and refreshments during the meeting.
How long will the sessions be? The substantive sessions will be 90 minutes.
How do I prepare to present? Information about session formats, room set-ups, audiovisual, and other preparation tips will be coming soon.
Where is the Exhibit Hall? The 2024 AERA Exhibit Hall will be located at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A.
When is the deadline for presenting authors to register? Each paper must have one or more presenting authors and all presenting authors must have registered for the Annual Meeting no later than March 14, 2024. If a presenting author did not register for the meeting by March 14, 2024, their name will be removed as a presenting author. If no presenting author registers, the paper will be removed from the program. Individuals who are not listed as presenting authors cannot present at the Annual Meeting.
What is the registration deadline for attendees participating in the meeting? Registration will remain open through the duration of the Annual Meeting.
Can I register onsite? Onsite registration will be available. However, AERA strongly encourages attendees to pre-register for the Annual Meeting. Registering early for the meeting ensures there is enough time to verify your vaccination record.
What are the onsite registration hours? On-site registration hours are as follows:
Who do I contact for help with registration? To obtain help with your registration, please contact the AERA Registration Support Team on weekdays between 8 am and 6 pm ET at registration@aera.net or call 202-238-3200 and select Option 3.
What are the registration rates? Registration rates are available on the Registration page.
Are group rates available? Although AERA does not offer group rates, AERA members receive a notable discount on registration.
Can my partner, spouse, or other family member register as a guest? Guest registration is designed for the spouse, domestic partner, or family member of the registrant. The guest may visit the exhibits and attend the session in which the registrant is a participant. Guest registration is not applicable for professionals (including students) in the field of education research who will be attending sessions or presenting papers.
Are there any special discounts for registration? We strongly encourage attendees to join AERA through December 31, 2024, to be eligible for discounted registration for the Annual Meeting. AERA does not offer additional special rates such as discounts for presenting authors, invited speakers, chairs, discussants, teachers, or other educators and researchers.
How do I request an official Letter of Invitation from AERA? Send an email to annualmtg@aera.net with your full name as well as the title of your paper(s) and a letter can be created for you.
How do I register for professional development courses? Professional development courses can be added to new or existing Annual Meeting registrations in the My AERA section of the AERA website. Early registration is encouraged as space is limited. Questions about the courses should be directed to profdevel@aera.net.
What are the headquarter hotels? The headquarter hotels are the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Le Meridien Philadelphia, Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, and The Notary Hotel.
How do I make hotel reservations? Registration for the Annual Meeting is required before booking hotel accommodations. Once you complete your registration, your registration summary email will include a link to make an online hotel reservation. Visit Annual Meeting Housing for more details on hotel reservations. Please be aware of fake solicitations for hotel rooms for #AERA24. Connections Housing is the ONLY housing provider for AERA.
Who can I contact to help me with my hotel reservation? For housing assistance or to modify your reservation, please contact AERA Housing Customer Service at aera@connectionshousing.com or call 800-262-9974 or 404-842-0000. Please be aware of fake solicitations for hotel rooms for #AERA24. Connections Housing is the ONLY housing provider for AERA.
Can I use hotel rewards points to secure housing at one of the AERA Annual Meeting hotels? AERA has secured a discounted rate for several hotels in Philadelphia. If you choose to use loyalty reward points rather than pay the discounted rate, please make your reservation directly on the hotel website instead of using the AERA Annual Meeting housing link included in your registration confirmation email. If you decide to use points for only a portion of your stay during the Annual Meeting, first make your reservation through the hotel website. Then, contact AERA Housing Customer Service at 800-262-9974 or 404-842-0000 and provide the confirmation number so our housing team can book additional nights in the same room at the discounted group rate.
Will there be a quarantine period for domestic and/or international travelers? Travelers are not required to quarantine. However, all attendees must adhere to AERA’s Vaccination Policy and Travel Information guidelines.
Do graduate students receive a discount on housing? For AERA Graduate Student members, AERA has obtained a special room rate for a block of rooms at several participating hotels for the 2024 Annual Meeting. These rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. When AERA Graduate Student members register for the meeting, their receipt will include a link to reserve a room within the room block.
What is the 2024 Annual Meeting theme? The theme for 2024 is “Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action.”
What if I need to make changes to my paper and/or session? Send any changes to paper titles, authors, and session chairs and discussants to annualmtg@aera.net. Include all relevant details of changes. Online program changes will be made as quickly as possible.
What professional development courses are available? The 2024 professional development courses are listed on the website.
What is the process for i-Presentation? Authors using the gallery can create a dynamic web-based presentation or they can simply upload a PDF of their PowerPoint (or another presentation format like Prezi) and benefit from all the advantages of the gallery. An email was provided to the first listed author, and the first author may invite other authors to work on a presentation. Videos of training webinars are available on the AERA website.
All presentations in the gallery will receive a digital object identifier (DOI) which makes work more readily citable and discoverable and authenticates the time and date of presentation.
What are the COVID vaccination requirements for attending the meeting? To attend AERA’s 2024 Annual Meeting, all participants, except for those with a medically documented condition or a personal attestation of religious reasons, must have up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination and at least one booster (if eligible). Mask wearing is not required. Mutual respect and health and safety remain priority goals.
How do I verify my COVID vaccine status? All registrants are sent an email from SafeAccess that includes a personalized link to upload their vaccination information. Individuals who have completed SafeAccess for other AERA events since October 2023 will be cleared without needing to further upload documentation.
Are religious and/or medical exemptions accepted for those who are not considered fully vaccinated to attend? Please read information about religions and/or medical exemptions in the Vaccination Policy.
Are masks required? Mask wearing is not required. Mutual respect and health and safety remain priority goals.
What should I do if I become ill with COVID while at the meeting? If you are sick and/or awaiting test results during the meeting, it is advised you quarantine in your room. Email annualmtg@aera.net to notify AERA and its health and safety provider about your impending results or positive diagnosis.
How do I make changes to my paper and/or session? Send all program updates including changes to paper titles, session titles, authors, and session chairs and discussants to annualmtg@aera.net. Include the title of the paper and the session along with the requested change. Author updates should specify the name, affiliation, email address, role (presenting or non-presenting) of the author as well as the author order. The deadline for all program updates was March 29, 2024.
I emailed you about a program change, but I haven’t heard back. What do I do? The AERA Meetings Team is working diligently to incorporate a vast number of changes into the program. Due to the high volume of requests for changes we appreciate your patience.
My affiliation/institution/name has changed. How do I update it in the program? To update your personal information, log in to www.aera.net and click on the ‘My AERA’ link at the top right of the page. Click on ‘My Profile’ to update your information. It may take up to 24 hours for the information to be reflected online.
How do I upload my final paper? What is the deadline? The deadline to upload papers was March 29, 2024.
What exhibit and sponsorship opportunities are available? Information is available under Exhibits, Sponsorship, Advertising, and Affiliates.
How do I apply to become an exhibitor? Information is available under Exhibits, Sponsorship, Advertising, and Affiliates.
Who are the 2024 exhibitors? AERA Montessori Education SIG American Institutes for Research American Psychological Association Beacon Press Bloomsbury Academic Brill Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University - Strategic Data Project CHRR at The Ohio State University Coppin State University Corwin Press, Inc. Dedoose Division H Educational Testing Service Emerald Group Publishing Guilford Publications Harvard Education Press Headway Workforce Solutions HigherEdJobs IAP - Information Age Publishing, Inc ICPSR at the University of Michigan IGI Global International Professional Development Association John Wiley & Sons, Inc Johns Hopkins University Press LOUISIANA STATE UNIV College Of Human Sciences& Education Mangold International GmbH Myers Education Press, LLC National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine National Assessment of Educational Progress National Center for Educational Statistics National Council on Measurement in Education National Institute of Education National Student Clearinghouse Pearson Peter Lang Publishing Postsecondary National Policy Institute Provalis Research Quantitative Methods for Leadership D Routledge Rowman & Littlefield/Lexington Books Rutgers University Press Southern Education Foundation Springer Nature StataCorp LLC SUNY Press Teachers College Press The MIT Press The New Press The Pennsylvania State University University of Chicago Press University of Maryland, Baltimore Graduate School University of Minnesota Press University of Washington VERBI Software GmbH - MAXQDA Vosaic WestEd World Education Research Association
How do I reserve space for my organization to host a function during the 2024 Annual Meeting? Reservations for the Affiliate Group Space are now closed. AERA is no longer accepting Affiliate Group Space requests.
Does AERA provide childcare at the Annual Meeting? Childcare will be available at the 2024 Annual Meeting. Information about reserving a spot is available under Childcare.
Is advance registration available? To ensure that the onsite Childcare Center is properly staffed and to facilitate planning of games and other activities at age-appropriate levels for the children, advance registration is requested. Onsite registration will be accommodated if there is space still available.
What are the COVID protocols? To keep both adults and children healthy and safe, COVID-19 protocols will be implemented. The protocols include the use of hand sanitizer, disinfectant for surfaces and toys, and gloves worn to serve food. We will continue to monitor state and CDC websites to stay up to date on best practices. Proof of COVID vaccination will be required for children. AERA follows the CDC guidelines with respect to vaccination of infants.
Where will NCME be held? The National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting will be held at Pennsylvania Convention Center. For more details visit NCME 2024 Annual Meeting. Questions regarding participation, registration, and programming for NCME should be sent to ncme@talley.com.