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i-Presentation Training Videos Two training sessions were held on March 19 and 21. Access the recordings here:
March 19, 8:00 am March 21, 4:00 pm
Contact Information If you need help accessing the i-Presentation Editor Site, please contact access support at support@ipostersessions.com.
General questions regarding the i-Presentation Gallery can be sent to presentation-gallery@aera.net and general questions about 2024 AERA Annual Meeting can be sent to annualmtg@aera.net.
Author Resources Page Check out the i-Presentation author resources page, provided by aMuze! Interactive. It includes tutorials, quick guide, FAQs, and sample presentations.
The AERA i-Presentation Gallery provides Annual Meeting presenters a user-friendly vehicle to present their papers in a dynamic format that allows for an overall narration as well as audio or video capture within any slide as part of their display. Authors can activate a chat function and also schedule a virtual session to meet up with other interested scholars. Through this portal, authors can receive messages and/or respond to Q&A on a continuing basis throughout the year and year-to-year.
AERA first introduced the AERA i-Presentation Gallery in 2020 on an experimental basis at the 2020 Annual Meeting, which was cancelled with the onset of COVID. To date, there are over 7,200 presentations from the 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 AERA Annual Meetings in the Gallery. All presentations receive digital object identifiers (DOIs), which make presentations more easily discoverable and citable. After the conclusion of the annual meeting, the Gallery becomes an open access product on the AERA website.
The first-listed author of each paper to be presented at the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting—whether in a poster session, paper session, roundtable, symposium, structured poster session, or working group roundtable session—will receive an email invitation to create their presentation for display in the Gallery.
The email will provide information about creating an i-Presentation and provide login information (including username and password). Although the email will go to the first-listed author, they will be able to invite other authors to work on the presentation.
AERA encourages presenters to create their i-Presentation with the web-based product in the AERA i-Presentation Gallery, as it is very easy to use and offers many more dynamic options for display than other presentation modes. However, if they wish, presenters can also use PowerPoint or Keynote to create their presentation in the Gallery (and this is also easy to do).
All papers in the Gallery are accessible to all registrants through the AERA Annual Meeting platform once they are posted to the Gallery by authors. Attendees can contact authors to set up chats, and authors have the opportunity to schedule one-on-one or group conversations on the platform. Those who choose to do so can schedule a time to chat or hold their live video presentation through the Gallery, using meeting services like Zoom, Webex, and so forth that they have available.
All papers accepted as posters for the AERA Annual Meeting need to create their presentations for display in the i-Presentation Gallery.
Poster Session and Structured Poster Session presenters will present and discuss their posters on large-format touchscreen monitors, in scheduled sessions to be held in the area dedicated to poster sessions. Poster presenters simply access their presentations from the i-Presentation Gallery to show their work with the dynamic features that electronic monitors provide.
Authors of papers accepted for paper sessions and roundtable sessions are also encouraged to create their presentations in the i-Presentation Gallery. They not only can reap the benefits of being in the Gallery but also can call up their presentations on a laptop, as they would for a presentation saved on a laptop.
The benefits of the AERA i-Presentation Gallery are also available to those presenting papers in symposia, structured poster sessions, or working group roundtables. In establishing the i-Presentation Gallery, AERA sought to support all authors of papers in sessions, not just those submitting papers, to be able to share their presentations widely with AERA attendees during the Annual Meeting and thereafter worldwide through this open access product.
AERA strongly urges all who create a presentation in the i-Presentation Gallery to create an overall narration and upload it as part of their presentation so that visitors to the Gallery can benefit from a pre-recorded overview of the work (more than one author can participate in the pre-recording). These can be short but are important for sparking Gallery attendees’ interest in the research presented.
AERA will provide a good deal of guidance for authors creating an i-Presentation. AERA will announce the times and dates of several live training sessions on “Creating an i-Presentation” which will also be recorded. The platform provider for the Gallery is aMuze! Interactive Inc. In addition to step-by-step guidance, aMuze! staff provide online assistance.
Questions should emailed to presentation-gallery@aera.net.