May 2012 Message from the VP
May 2012 Message from the VP
VP Announcements
May 2012
Hello Division H'ers. Welcome back from the annual conference in
Vancouver. I hope you all had an enjoyable and productive meeting. Here's
the blast for May. Please especially attend to #1 as the deadline is
rapidly approaching for volunteering to be a reviewer.

1. Annual Conference Proposal Reviewers. AERA has decided to keep the
volunteer system open for a few more days. The system will be closed
9:00am eastern time on Monday, April 30th. We need all the reviewers we
can get! Please follow the instructions below to sign up. Thanks to
everyone who has already enrolled.

To sign up as a volunteer to review submissions, members must go to the
home page of AERA -  Then click on 'My AERA' at the top of
the screen.  Scroll down to 'AERA Annual Meeting' and then click on the
link for the 2013 AERA Annual Meeting Online Portal. Underneath the
Volunteer Menu, click on the link 'Volunteer to be a Reviewer'.

 2. Division H Video. At the request of last year's AERA president, Arnetha
Ball, each division was asked to assemble a video on how the conference
theme--No Know is Not Enough--is being expressed by that division. Joe
O'Reilly spearheaded the effort for Division H. It turns out to be a good
infomercial for the division. We owe Joe our heartfelt thanks. Here's the

3. Early Career Mentorships.  Division H supports mentoring opportunities
for graduate students just completing their programs. We offer up to four
$1000 awards for graduate students to visit an organization whose work is
of interest to them. (A fifth one is available from Paul LeMahieu.) We can
help graduate students find a mentoring organization if they don't already
have one in mind. Applications are are the Division H website. For
additional information contact Toni Stroter, <>.
Applications will be reviewed periodically throughout the year. (If you
are interested in being a mentor, either contact Toni or fill out the
mentor form on the website.)

 4. DRE survey. The Directors of Research and Evaluation (DRE) is closely
aligned with Division H. DRE is conducting a survey to gather information
that will help them provide support to those in school districts charged
with collecting data, analyzing it and helping staff use it, whether in a
dedicated office or as ‘other duties as assigned.’

The capacity to do these activities varies greatly across districts. DRE
is asking you and other colleagues in districts around the country to tell
them about the research capacity in their districts. They will use the
findings of this survey to develop resources to support you and others in
jobs like yours.  Such support will include grant funding, working with
the U.S. Department of Education, and helping each other. We will also
send you a copy of the results so you can compare your district to others
that are similar.

Please take ten to fifteen minutes to complete the School District
Research Resources Survey at

If you have any questions please contact Joe O'Reilly:
or (480) 472-0241.

The survey is solely the responsibility of the Directors of Research &
Evaluation. The survey distribution is supported by our friends at
CTB/McGraw-Hill, AERA Division H, the National Association of Test
Directors and the Council of the Great City Schools. If you receive more
than one request to complete the survey it is because you are associated
with more than one of these groups. Please accept our apology for any
duplicate messages, but we wanted to make sure all districts had the
opportunity to participate.

 5. Job Posting. The University of Delaware currently is seeking to fill an
Assistant or Associate Professor, Tenure Track in Program Evaluation.
Consult this link:

6. Division H Volunteer Opportunities. Thank you to everyone who has
volunteered to work on a Division H committee. If I haven't already
contacted you, I, or a committee chair, will contact you soon. Working on
a committee is a great way to network. A list of committees can be found
on the division H website. I'm also attaching a volunteer form to this
blast. The more, the merrier, so please let me know how you'd like to be