March 2012 Message from the VP
March 2012 Message from the VP
VP Announcements

VP Announcements - March 2012

Hello everyone, the annual conference is almost here. This month's blast
is long. Please especially attend to:

Reality Test Newsletter - March 2012

We need more mentor volunteers for the annual conference (1b below.)

We are soliciting graduate student research for our research roundtables
(1d below).

We are looking for people who can help with the breakfast (1g below).

We are looking for volunteers to staff the booth (1n below).

We are soliciting applications for mentorships (2 below).

1. Annual Conference. AERA predicts another year of record attendance.
There is likely to be over 15,000 of us in Vancouver. The on-line program
is now available on the AERA website. To access the program you will need
your AERA member number. Your password is your last name.