Invitations to Review Proposals for 2016 Division H Program Issued
Emails inviting volunteers to serve as reviewers of conference proposals recently were sent to Division H members. Volunteers have been asked to sit on review panels and evaluate proposals. We consider such service to be an honor and recognition of your qualifications to contribute to making meritorious decisions. We urge that you review this invitation.
Thank you,
Brett D. Campbell, Ph.D.
2016 Division H Program Chair
2016 AERA Annual Meeting Call for Submissions Now Open
Dear AERA Members and Past Annual Meeting Attendees, I am writing to encourage you to participate in the 2016 AERA Annual Meeting. In AERA's Centennial Year, the Annual Meeting will be held Friday, April 8 – Tuesday, April 12 in Washington, DC. Jeannie Oakes, AERA President, Kevin G. Welner, Annual Meeting Program Chair, Michelle Renee, Annual Meeting Program Vice Chair, and the 2016 Program Committee, are pleased to announce this year’s Annual Meeting Theme: “Public Scholarship to Educate Diverse Democracies”. Now is the time to advance a paper or session submission for consideration by a division, special interest group, or committee and to volunteer as a chair or discussant. Deadline for Paper and Session Submissions is July 22 Please review the Call for Submissions as it contains important information about this year’s Annual Meeting theme and submission requirements. Please log in to advance a paper or session submission. After you login, click ‘My AERA’ at the top of the page. On the ‘My AERA’ page, scroll down to the 2016 Annual Meeting and click ‘Online Program Portal’. Please pay special attention to the six elements that must be addressed in the narrative paper submissions even if the results, conclusions, or findings are not complete or final at the time of the submission. Also, please indicate your preferred type of session and willingness to present in alternative formats at the time of submission. The Professional Development Call for Proposals is also open. Volunteer to Serve as a Chair or Discussant by August 28 Please review the Call for Volunteer Session Chairs and Discussants and consider volunteering. Please log in to volunteer as a chair or discussant. The quality of the AERA Annual Meeting depends on education researchers with appropriate expertise who serve as chairs and discussants for paper sessions and roundtables. Please contact the Meetings Team at or (202) 238-3200 with any questions and I look forward to your participation in an enriching 2016 Annual Meeting. Kind regards, Laurie Cipriano, CMP Director of Meetings
Call for Proposals for Individual Presentations, Coordinated Sessions, and Training Sessions
Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education
The National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) invites you to submit a proposal for presentations and sessions at its Annual Meeting, April 7-11, 2016 in Washington, DC. NCME will accept the submission of proposals through Saturday, August 1 at 11:59 PM PDT.
Please review the full NCME Call for Proposals prior to submitting your proposal.
The theme of the 2016 Annual Meeting is Foundations and Frontiers: Advancing Educational Measurement for Research, Policy, and Practice. This theme acknowledges the variety of stakeholders that use educational assessments, including educators, policy makers, and researchers. Stakeholder uses of educational assessments are diversifying and expanding with the advent of new measurement methods and new methods of data collection. In this shifting environment, innovation is necessary, yet foundational principles of measurement, especially the concepts of validity and reliability, have never been more important. In recognition of both measurement foundations and measurement frontiers, the program committee seeks a broad range of proposals, in particular those that concern:
· Relevant approaches for improving the reliability of assessment scores and the
validity of their uses.
· Novel methods of data collection and analysis.
· The measurement and relevance of novel constructs related to education.
· Novel applications and uses of educational assessment data.
· Understanding of problems posed by recent and future uses of test scores.
· Solutions to these problems.
On behalf of NCME, we are looking forward to the 78th Annual Meeting. With your help, we expect to have engaging, interactive, and stimulating sessions.
Be sure to submit your research and volunteer as a discussant and session chair for the Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, in 2016.
Andrew Ho and Matthew Johnson, Co-chairs, Annual Meeting Program Committee
Xin Li, Chair, Training and Professional Development