Social Context of Education
Social Context of Education
Message from Division VP


Dear Members of Division G:

As I reflect on this past year, I am filled with gratitude and admiration for the incredible experiences and opportunities I've had as part of AERA Division G. It has been an extraordinary first year, and I am deeply thankful for the support, collaboration, and inspiration that I have received from each of you.

One of the highlights of my year was the annual meeting, where I had the opportunity to connect with so many brilliant minds dedicated to exploring and understanding the social contexts of education. The sessions were intellectually stimulating, offering a diverse range of perspectives and cutting-edge research. I was particularly impressed by the depth of analysis and the commitment to addressing issues of equity, justice, and social change within educational contexts. These discussions not only broadened my own understanding but also inspired new avenues for my research and practice.

The mentorship and support available through Division G have been invaluable. The established scholars in our division are not only leaders in their fields but also generous mentors. Their willingness to share their insights, provide guidance, and offer constructive feedback has been instrumental in my professional development. I am especially grateful for the opportunities to participate in various workshops and seminars, which have equipped me with new skills and knowledge that I can apply to my own work.

I am also thankful for the collaborative spirit that permeates our division. The opportunity to engage in collaborative research projects and discussions has been incredibly rewarding. These collaborations have not only enriched my work but also built lasting professional relationships and friendships. The sense of community within Division G is truly special, and it has made my first year a deeply fulfilling experience.

Moreover, I want to acknowledge the leadership of our division. The executive committee and the various sub-committees have worked tirelessly to ensure that our division remains a vibrant and dynamic space for scholarly exchange and professional growth. Their dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment has been evident in every initiative and event they have organized.

As I look forward to the coming years, I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. I am eager to continue contributing to the important work of Division G and to further engage with all of you. Together, I believe we can continue to advance our understanding of the social contexts of education and make meaningful contributions to the field.

Thank you once again for a wonderful first year. Your support, wisdom, and camaraderie have made it an unforgettable experience, and I am proud to be a member of AERA Division G.


Cleveland Hayes, PhD
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Professor, Urban Teacher Education
Adjunct Professor, Africana Studies
Indiana University – IUPUI
Division G Vice President, American Education Research Association