News & Announcements
News & Announcements

Listserv Information

An announcement listserv has been established for the Catholic Education SIG. The purpose of the announcement listserv is to provide the SIG with an effective communication tool with which important information about the SIG and AERA can be communicated to SIG members in a timely manner. The announcement listserv uses an e-mail distribution list of all current members of the Catholic Education SIG. The list is updated by the Central Office on a monthly basis to ensure that all new SIG members can be included. At the present time, only the SIG secretary/treasurer is authorized to send out messages to the announcement listserv.

To share an announcement to SIG members, please send a message to Katie Sellers at  Please note that the listserv is text-based, and does not accept attachments.  Announcements related to Catholic Education will be accepted and included in our announcement listserv. Subscription to the listserv is entirely voluntary and a member can terminate the subscription at any time.

We also encourage the use of the Twitter hashtag #AERACatholicSIG to share Catholic education news and announcements and to promote discussion within our field.

SIG Newsletters

Current Issue

To submit information or reviews of current research in the field to the Catholic Education SIG newsletter, please contact Katie Sellers ( 

Past Issues


Job Posting:

If you have a job to share, please email with details. So, she can share it with the wider SIG. Thank you!

January/February News:

Invitation to share ideas about school safety for immigrant students:

One key development this week that is relevant to Catholic education is that the new Presidential administration has stripped schools and churches of immigration enforcement protections. This has led many to wonder what can school leaders and teachers do to ensure their schools remain a place where immigrant students and mixed-status families feel safe? We on the SIG Executive Committee do not have a ready answer to this question, but we are optimistic that others may. For example, experts at one California law school put together this guide in 2017 to help schools protect undocumented and vulnerable students. Do you know of other useful resources? 

We invite the entire SIG to pay attention to this issue, and should you be aware of or encounter other useful resources in the future – be they webinars, infographics, manuals, articles, etc. – please share them with us so that we can share them with the wider SIG. 

Unlike many education policy issues, immigration is federal and so applies similarly across the US. This means that we can be a resource for each other no matter where we might live. This will be an ongoing invitation to all SIG members. If you have ideas that may be useful for our members to share, please email Katie Sellers or any member of SIG leadership so we can help amplify your insights.


SIG members have nominated the following six people to serve to run for leadership roles in the Catholic Education SIG:

Our SIG is actively holding elections. A personalized ballot was emailed to you in January. Your vote is due by February 13th.