The purpose of our SIG is to explore theory, research, and practical developments in workplace learning. We do this through our SIG events and sessions at AERA as well as virtual communication periodically throughout the year. Our SIG community is a friendly and spirited place for intellectual exploration of our field and for those who wish to partner with colleagues in engaging research projects and publications.
We are glad that you have come to explore the new Workplace Learning SIG webpage!
Our global membership is dedicated to researching and promoting professional development for and at workplaces. Our interest lies in improving training in the workforce by improving educational experiences for learners and by supporting trainers and teachers in providing high-quality education and training. This is an exciting time to be part of our SIG. The introduction of new work paradigms such as remote work, flexible hours, and digital collaboration has changed the way organizations operate and how employees learn. Whereas in the past digitalization offered large efficiency gains in the provision of training, AI technologies now offer us various opportunities to truly transform and improve workplace learning. As we move forward, I encourage all members to stay engaged with the SIG and take advantage of the many opportunities to connect with peers, share your research, and contribute to the advancement of workplace learning. Moreover, we are always looking for new ideas and perspectives and would be delighted to welcome new members to join us in the pursuit of knowledge on workplace learning.
I look forward to working with you all in the coming year!
Viola Deutscher, Chair of SIG136
SIG Officers
Structure & Governance
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Call for Nominations: Exemplary Dissertation Award in Workspace Learning Learn more about it here!
Looking Back: AERA ANNUAL MEETING 2023 in Chicago, IL