
The Vocabulary SIG pays tribute to scholars and recognizes graduate students in the area of vocabulary research.

Notable Vocabulary Researcher Award

This annual award recognizes an important scholar in the area of vocabulary research. The award is presented to an individual who has been nominated by a Vocabulary SIG member and is determined by the Award Committee to be deserving of the tribute.

This award honors the efforts of scholars who have given their professional efforts to the field of vocabulary research. It bridges emergent researchers with those who have paved the way before them, and provides an opportunity to engage in a group presentation and discussion about the researcher’s work.

The following criteria are used to identify and evaluate possible vocabulary scholars:

  1. An Award Committee led by the Program Co-Chair of the Vocabulary SIG is determined at the yearly SIG business meeting. 
  2. Following the Annual Meeting, the Award Committee takes nominations from SIG members for notable vocabulary researchers.
  3. The Award Committee reviews nominations that are submitted according to award criteria- important contributions to the field over an extended period of time.

The timeline for making the Notable Vocabulary Researcher Award is:

  • October-November: The Executive Committee invites nominations from SIG members for the Notable Vocabulary Researcher
  • November-December: The Executive Committee reviews the nominations according to award criteria, and comes to an agreement about the award recipient.
  • December: The SIG Chair notifies the winner of the Notable Vocabulary Researcher Award, and the awardee is invited to attend the SIG business meeting to receive the award the following spring.
  • AERA Annual Meeting: The award winner receives the award at the Vocabulary SIG business meeting.  

Student Vocabulary Research Paper

This annual award recognizes an exemplary research paper focusing on vocabulary research or instruction by a student author.  The award has been granted informally over the past six years through the Vocabulary SIG and we now wish to officially sanction the process. The award is presented to the individual or individuals who meet the following criteria as approved by the SIG and Council: An original research paper presented in the previous year’s annual AERA meeting on the topic of vocabulary research or instruction; applicants must have student status at the time of paper submission to AERA; and must be a SIG member by the award application date. 

This award encourages upcoming researchers to focus on vocabulary topics, and rewards an outstanding effort in this area. It helps move our collective knowledge forward, and provides an opportunity to engage in a group presentation and discussion about the research topic.

The following criteria are used to identify and evaluate possible award papers:

  1. An Award Committee led by the Program Co-Chair of the Vocabulary SIG is determined at the yearly SIG business meeting. 
  2. Following the Annual Meeting, the Award Committee reviews vocabulary-related research papers that were presented from student authors. 
  3. Authors are contacted to inform them of the SIG Student Vocabulary Research Paper Award, and are encouraged to apply for the award if they meet the criteria. 
  4. The Award Committee reviews papers that are submitted according to award criteria- importance to the field, quality of presentation, and methodological soundness. 

The timeline for making the Student Vocabulary Research Paper Award is:

  • October-November: The Executive Committee invites nominations from SIG members for the Notable Vocabulary Researcher
  • November-December: The Executive Committee reviews the nominations according to award criteria, and comes to an agreement about the paper most deserving of the award.
  • December: The SIG Chair notifies the winner of the Student Vocabulary Research Paper Award, and the awardee is invited to attend the SIG business meeting to receive the award the following spring.
  • AERA Annual Meeting: The award winner receives the award at the Vocabulary SIG business meeting.  

Award Winners

Vocabulary SIG Award Winners

2024 Award Winners

Notable Vocabulary Researcher: Dr. Jill Fitzgerald, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Student Vocabulary Research Paper: Dr. Lori Bruner

Previous Award Winners

Notable Vocabulary Researcher

  • 2023: Dr. Barbara Wasik, Professor, Temple University
  • 2022: Judy Scott, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Santa Cruz
  • 2022: Mike Graves, Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota
  • 2020: Jim Baumann
  • 2019: Catherine Snow
  • 2018: David K. Dickinson
  • 2017: Elfrieda Hiebert
  • 2017: Andrew Biemiller
  • 2016: Dr. Margaret G. McKeown, University of Pittsburgh
  • 2015: Dr. William Nagy, Seattle Pacific University
  • 2014: No Award Given
  • 2013: No Award Given
  • 2012: Isabel Beck

Student Vocabulary Research Paper

  • 2023: Dr. Huan Zhang, PhD, University of Houston
  • 2022: Min Hyun Oh, PhD Candidate, Vanderbilt University
  • 2020: Ming-Yi (Grace) Hsieh
  • 2019: JeanMarie Farrow
  • 2018: Kathryn Accurso
  • 2017: J. Kenneth Logan
  • 2016: Dr. Meredith W. Moran, Stanford University
  • 2015: Dr. Sean Davidson, University of California, Riverside
  • 2014: No Award Given
  • 2013: No Award Given
  • 2012: Ersoy Erdemir, PhD Candidate, State University of New York, Buffalo
  • 2011: Elaine Mo, PhD Candidate, Harvard University