Message from SIG Chair
Message from SIG Chair
Welcome to the website for the Teaching History SIG of the American Educational Research Association

Message from SIG Chair

This year’s AERA theme calls for sustained action: to apply research to remedy and repair systemic injustices in order to build and sustain education that realizes justice-oriented and democratic ideals.  The Teaching History SIG has a particular role in supporting this call. We can support such efforts by considering how different sources, interpretations, and approaches to/of the past promote particular understandings and experiences of justice, and how communities marginalized in democracies continue to offer leadership for remedies and repair work for more just futures. The work of our SIG is crucial amidst erasures of histories of racially marginalized, LGBTQ, and other communities from spaces of civic engagement, including schools, libraries, and sites of public history.

The Teaching History SIG is interested in proposals aligned with our call (attached) which address the exclusion of racially minoritized groups and others traditionally undervalued by AERA and academic institutions. We invite individual session papers, roundtable discussion papers and symposium proposals from scholars in our field (including graduate students).

We also request scholars in our field to submit their service as reviewers, discussants, and session chairs for this year's Teaching History SIG sessions.

For all inquiries related to the Teaching History SIG program for this year’s AERA, including interest in serving as reviewer, discussant and session chair, please contact Program Chair, Brittany Jones, at


Jenni Conrad