Meetings & Other Events
Meetings & Other Events
SIG 128 at the Annual Meeting

Quick View of TEP Sessions 2024


Advocating for Educational Psychology Within Teacher Education: A Reflection Across Career Levels and Institutions

Sat, April 13, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Philadelphia
Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon I
Chairs: Kerrijo Ellis & Raven Robinson-Wilson

Queries, Conundrums, and Complexities on Educational Psychology and Teacher Education: Reflections From a New Dean’s Perspective

Rebecca West Burns

Educational Psychology and Teacher Education: Reflections and Self-Study of a Professor

Sarah Kiefer


An Early Career Faculty’s Journey: Convergence of a Teacher Educator and Educational Psychologist

Raven Robinson-Wilson


Emerging Educational Psychologist: A Narrative Inquiry of a Doctoral Candidate’s Journey

Kerrijo Ellis

Grad Student Social

Friday, 4/12, from 9-11am at Reading Terminal
Market (1136 Arch Street, #400)

Teaching of Educational Psychology Poster Session

Sat, April 13, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A

Creating a Community of Belonging in Educational Psychology Doctoral Education: A Collective Self-Study (Poster 43)

Taylor Cummings, Nicole J. Thomas, Lisa D. Bendixen, Jordan Hankins, Sasha Ball, Tammy Szafranski, Mayra Marquez-Mendez, Hank Boone, Anna Dreibelbis, Bridget K. Daleiden, & Brian Jones


Culturally Sustaining and Motivating Practices: Fostering Equitable Learning Environments and Student Academic Success (Poster 44)

Sarah Kiefer, Raven Robinson-Wilson, & Kerrijo Ellis

Why Educational Psychology? Fostering Teaching Efficacy in Preservice Educators Through Transferability (Poster 45)

Jaime Lewandowski, Paul Hunhoff, & Jane S. Vogler


Developing Motivation and Resilience Through Outdoor Adventure Education: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Educational Psychology (Poster 46)

Kanvarbir Gill, Benjamin C. Heddy, Jakob Gowell, Cian Brown, & Madison Spears

The Reciprocal Relationship Between Controlling Teaching and Students’ Achievement: A One-Year Longitudinal Study (Poster 47)

Mian Li & Xiaoyu Hou

Teaching of Educational Psychology Business Meeting 

Sat, April 13, 3:05 to 4:35pm, Philadelphia
Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 402
Other Meetings of Interest


April 9-12


April 17-21
San Fransico


April 13-17
New York


April 26 - May 2
San Antonio


April 8 – 12
Washington, DC


April 16 - 20


April 3 - 7