To join the Classroom Management SIG, AERA members pay an additional $15.00 for regular members and $5 for student members per year. The joining task can me completed by visiting our "Join/Renew" page at
To learn about the AERA membership categories visit the page describing each type linked here. AERA membership types include categories for voting and non-voting individuals. Voting membership types include Regular (MA), Regular‐Early Career (STEC), Retired (RET), Graduate Student (ST), Cohort Student (STC). Non‐Voting membership types include Affiliate (AS), Student Affiliate (SA), International Affiliate (IA), International Affiliate – Low Income Countries (IAL).
Currently our sig has members in Switzerland, Taiwan, Germany, Netherlands, Canada and twenty-two different states in the U.S. dditionally, volunteering for the service of SIG leadership provides the benefit of access to full membership lists with data including current, past, and lapsed membership information, as well as listings of current SIG officers and SIG financial statements. Come to the annual business meeting to consider becoming a member and taking a leadership role.