The present leadership team is working to incorporate the changes in operations that the members of the SIG ratified at last year's AERA Annual Meeting (2020-2021). That is, in order to generate greater institutional memory as well as a stronger community, the members who attended the business meeting voted to alter the years of service for all executive cabinet positions from 1 to 3 or from 1 to 4 (depending on the position), employing the following rotational cycle: Chair Elect, Current Chair, and Past Chair or Program Chair Elect, Current Program Chair, and Past Program Chair. In the Chair Elect role - or in their first year of service - an individual would learn the position by assisting the Current Chair with their duties. The second year they would take over that position (i.e., Current Chair) and would train the incoming Chair Elect on the role of Current Chair, while performing all the necessary duties of the role. During the third year, the individual would serve mostly as the holder of institutional memory by transitioning into the role of Past Chair. By doing it this way, the SIG would always have two individuals available within the pipeline that could take over if any sudden emergency was to come about.
The position of Treasurer/Secretary has been split into two positions. Each one of these positions will serve a three year cycle, one year as Secretary Elect and two years as Secretary. The position of Treasurer will serve two years and then rotate into Auditor for two years.
In addition, as we continue to move forward with this new structure, we are planning on having two different boards: the Executive Board and the Extended Board. The Executive Board will be composed of all the Current positions holders as well as all Elect position holders (i.e., Current Chair, Chair Elect, Program Chair, Program Chair Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Graduate Student Member-at-Large). The Executive Board will be charged with carrying out the annual operations of the SIG. The Extended Board will be composed of all Past position holders (i.e., Past Chair, Past Program Chair) in addition to the Current Chair and Current Program Chair, the Secretary Elect, and three volunteers Members-at-Large of the SIG. The Extended Board will be charged with casting vision for the incoming Executive Board.
As one may see from the addition of an Extended Board, another shift in the operations of the SIG is that each one of the board positions (i.e., Elect, Current, or Past) will serve one of the three committees that have been enacted this year. The committees are: The Elections Committee, The Awards/Certificate Committee, and The Notifications and Networking Committee. Through these committees the leadership of the SIG is hoping to achieve two main goals: 1. Provide networking and collaboration opportunities among the members; 2. Keep the members informed of professional opportunities pertinent to their professional advancement (e.g., call for papers, opportunities for grants, presentations and discussions of the latest research studies, and/or presentations of their research by members of the SIG).
As the leadership team continues to work to strengthen the SIG, we want to invite anyone interested in joining our efforts to come along and assist in this exciting transition. We have many different roles that can meet any specific time requirements, so please get in touch with one of the Current Executive Board Members if you are interested in serving this year.
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