
This year the SIG leadership is working to institute at least one award to be presented during the SIG's business meeting at AERA's Annual Meeting.  We have a number of options that we are working on and would love to hear from the members regarding which one will be most beneficial to enact first.  The choices are:

  1. Lifetime Achievement Award:: given to someone who's career has clearly advanced  the interdisciplinary conversation/work of neuroscience and education. Award_Cover_PagePDFV2638672830765745660
  2. Outstanding Dissertation Award: given to a grad student who's dissertation work has advanced the interdisciplinary conversation/work of neuroscience and education.
  3. Research-to-Practice Award : given to someone who's work has clearly advanced  the  interdisciplinary application of neuroscience and education.
  4. Best Paper Award: given to the paper presented at AERA's  Annual Meeting deemed most able to advance the interdisciplinary conversation/work of neuroscience  and education.