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2023 Annual Meeting Program Now Available View the program without logging in.
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Key Sessions and Speakers Explore the links below to browse AERA’s compelling line-up of major sessions and speakers.
Presenter and Participant Information Helpful information for presenters and participants is available here.
Business Meetings and Receptions Learn more about SIG and Division business meetings and receptions.
AERA i-Presentation Gallery The AERA i-Presentation Gallery provides Annual Meeting presenters a user-friendly vehicle to present their papers in a dynamic format that allows for an overall narration as well as audio or video capture within any slide as part of their display. Learn more
As a dual-component meeting—with place-based sessions held in Chicago April 13-16 and virtual sessions and select recordings from in-person events presented on the virtual platform May 4-5—the 2023 AERA Annual Meeting offers exciting opportunities for intellectual engagement and professional growth for those who are able to attend.
While the place-based and virtual components will take place at separate times and in different settings, both will offer a dynamic experience with opportunities to learn more from major speakers, connect with the latest research, engage in stimulating conversation, and develop and foster professional relationships.
Attendees for the place-based meeting in Chicago will automatically be registered for and able to access and attend the virtual component of the meeting at no extra charge.
Those registered only for the virtual component will have access to the two-day virtual meeting on May 4-5 and also be able to view a selected number of livestreamed place-based Chicago sessions, including the opening plenary, the Presidential address, major lectures, and a number of Presidential sessions and AERA-wide special sessions. Virtual meeting attendees will also have access to the recordings of these select sessions, as well as recordings of all virtual sessions in the online platform’s video library.
The dual-component meeting will represent all the major programming attendees will remember from past meetings. Overall, there will be more 2,000 sessions across both components of the meeting.
The 2023 Annual Meeting offers a rich array of sessions and events for all attendees.
Major events such as the Opening Keynote Lecture, the AERA Presidential Address, the AERA Distinguished Lecture and the Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture, the AERA Awards Ceremony and Celebration, and more, should be on every attendee’s schedule. Along with AERA Awards Lectures, these premiere sessions offer unparalleled opportunities to hear from thought leaders, prominent scholars, and champions of education research.
Tied to the 2023 Annual Meeting theme “Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth,” 45 AERA Presidential Sessions provide rich and compelling content designed to engage attendees on key issues in education research, policy, and practice.
The Research and Science Policy Forum will offer a series of sessions focused on important issues at the intersection of education research and science policy. Presenters include policy leaders from key federal science offices and agencies, foundation heads, and leading scholars.
In addition to major lectures and high-profile AERA-wide sessions, hundreds of paper, roundtable, and poster sessions and symposia will be held by AERA divisions, SIGs, and committees. Be certain to check out the sessions offered by those AERA units that align with your research interests.
In collaboration with the World Education Research Association and numerous other international organizations, the Annual Meeting not only spotlights research from around the globe but also supports and advances the worldwide impact of the field.
Please check this page regularly for updates. Dates, times, and locations will be added as they become available. All times are in Central Time.
New this year, the Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Series is being test-piloted as a special component of the Annual Meeting that will give accepted graduate students the opportunity to share and discuss their work in progress on site in Chicago. The roundtable series features 200 graduate students who are actively engaged in research but were not yet ready to advance a paper submission in response to the 2023 Call for Submissions.
The Youth Teams in Education Research (YTER) Special Program will take place on April 13-15. The initiative will bring 69 high school students, grouped in 13 teams led by education researchers, to present their work in a featured poster session and to participate in a mini-workshop to discuss the research projects ongoing at their schools, issues consequential to them in their students, and potential opportunities for continuing to purse research engagements. During the workshop, the students will have an opportunity to meeting with early career and accomplished senior scholars. They will also attend a select group of sessions featuring major speakers. The teams will receive partial funding support to attend the meeting.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of hip-hop culture. For over five decades, hip-hop culture has permeated all corners of the globe and all aspects of our society touching business, entertainment, media, advertising, sports, and education. Developed and hosted in partnership with the Hip-Hop Theories, Praxis & Pedagogies SIG, AERA joins in honoring and acknowledging this important cultural milestone with the exhibit, “AERA Hip Hop 50.”
#AERA23 attendees are encouraged to explore our host city and take advantage of everything Chicago has to offer. The following cultural destinations may be of special interest to attendees.
American Indian Center Chicago http://aicchicago.org/ Established in 1953 as the first urban Indian Center in the country, AIC promotes fellowship among Indian people of all Tribes living in metropolitan Chicago; creates bonds of understanding and communication between Indians and non-Indians in this city; sustains cultural, artistic, and avocational pursuits; and perpetuates Indian cultural values. AIC focuses on the arts by offering workshops such as drum making, moccasin making, and also by housing the first and only art gallery space dedicated to the promotion and education of Native artists in the city of Chicago.
Chinese American Museum of Chicago https://ccamuseum.org/ The museum advances the appreciation of Chinese American culture through exhibitions, education, and research, and preserves the past, present, and future of Chinese Americans primarily in the Midwest. It works with organizations, visitors, and community leaders across the country to tell the story of Chinese Americans primarily in the Midwest and to build a community around a continuous dialogue illustrating how Chinese American culture and contributions are an important part of the American fabric.
The DuSable Museum https://www.dusablemuseum.org/ In 1961, with a few dedicated colleagues and a dream, the artist/educator/writer/activist Margaret Taylor Burroughs established our nation’s first independent museum celebrating Black culture. The Ebony Museum of Negro History and Art (later renamed as the DuSable Musuem) was inaugurated that very year in the Burroughs’ home on Chicago’s iconic South Side. Burroughs was proud that the Museum was “the only one that grew out of the indigenous Black community.”
National Museum of Mexican Art https://nationalmuseumofmexicanart.org/ Founded in 1982, the museum represents the Mexican community from its own point of view and its own voice to stimulate knowledge and appreciation of Mexican art and culture from both sides of the border through a significant permanent collection of Mexican art, rich visual and performing arts programs, high quality arts education programs and resources and professional development of Mexican artists.