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Exhibit Hall Dates and Locations The 2023 AERA Exhibit Hall will be available both place-based in the Hyatt Regency Chicago and on the virtual platform.
Place-Based Exhibit Hall Hours Hyatt Regency Chicago, Riverside Exhibit Hall Thursday, April 13, 2023 – Sunday, April 16, 2023
*Exhibit Hall hours are tentative and subject to change.
Virtual Exhibit Hall Hours Opens May 2023 Exhibit Hall Information and Resources
The 2023 Annual Meeting will feature a marketplace of Chicago-based Black and Brown owned businesses in the Exhibit Hall. The Marketplace aims to celebrate the diversity of Chicago and its people, as well as enrich the conference experience and provide a deeper understanding of the community. The Marketplace will be open 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday April 14 through Sunday April 16.
Complete the form to reserve space at the special rate of $50 per day. Space will be assigned on a first-come, first served basis.
AERA Affiliate Group Space is a safe and effective convening option to meet and collaborate without all of the planning and travel costs. Schools of education, research institutions, publishers, journals, and other organizations aligned with AERA’s mission to use scholarly research to improve education and serve the public good can host networking events and receptions as well as other gatherings including board meetings, workshops, and seminars.
AERA is no longer accepting Affiliate Group Space requests.
Questions? Contact the AERA Meetings Team at annualmtg@aera.net and include “AM23 Affiliate Group Space” or call Kendra McGee, Senior Meetings Manager, at 202-238-3212.