Message from SIG Chair
Message from SIG Chair
SIG Chair

Dear Leadership for Social Justice SIG Members, 

The commitment to social justice is best enacted in unity. Accordingly, it is with sincere gratitude and excitement that we share the LSJ SIG’s recent progress and engagement, reflecting work that has been made possible because of your support and participation. In our spring-summer 2022 newsletter, we capture the work of the SIG, including recent awards, publication initiatives, and partnerships we continue to forge across AERA and with the K-12 community. We are truly grateful for your continued commitment to the Leadership for Social Justice SIG’s mission through your research, teaching, and service to the cause.  

Our leadership vision is to continue to deepen the SIG’s commitment to mentoring in the field. To that end, we recently partnered with three faculty members to offer graduate students insight and support for proposal writing. We welcome your ideas as the summer progresses in preparation for the year ahead.  

I want to express appreciation to the past and current members of our SIG’s leadership, recognizing that we stand on the shoulders of giants in our work. During this transition of service to the SIG, I would like to thank our immediate past chair, Dr. Sonya Douglass, for her visionary leadership over the past two years. Her unwavering fortitude helped sustain the SIG during unprecedented times, and we are grateful for the path forward she helped set for the SIG. I am excited about the time ahead of us as a community, knowing that we move together using the blueprint that many, including our SIG’s founders and former leadership, have scaffolded.  

In Service,  


Angel Miles Nash

Chair, Leadership for Social Justice SIG


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