2025: TBD
2024: North Penn High School
2023: Evanston Township High School
2022-20: None per COVID
2019: Oakwood Collegiate Institute
2018: Southside High School
Wednesday, April 10th
Convention Center, Floor: Level 100,
Room 111B
Decolonizing Gifted Education Practices
Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent
As a field, we continue to grapple with bridging research to practice, in addition to finding common ground on salient issues related to identification, equity,
measurement, and methods. AERA’s 2024 theme calls for the dismantling of racial injustice to construct educational possibilities in our policy and research practices. Gifted education has long grappled with issues of racial injustices and inequities, and our call to action must be interrogated through a lens of decolonity. To imagine a space free from racial injustice through decolonizing methods and codified language, we must take a look back, but collectively author new pathways to boldly move forward. To do this we question: “What must the field decolonize to create just and innovative educational spaces?” Utilizing community problem-
solving practices, participants in this Unconference session will engage in discourse around problem sensing/problem-finding to identify present colonizing practices and approaches, othering and sense of belonging, codified/racialized language and policies, imagine sustainable and inclusive practices and methodologies, and co-develop transformative collaborations to light an innovative and decolonized future for our youth. This session is open to researchers, practitioners, and graduate students from the following two SIGs: Research on Giftedness, Creativity and Talent, and Tracking/Detracking.
Chairs and Presenters:
Donna Y. Ford, The Ohio State University
Brittany Nicole Anderson, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Thursday, April 11th
Center, Floor:
Roundtable Session:
Overt and Covert Tracking: Relationships Among Curricular Access, School Policies, and
Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Student Characteristics (Table 18)
Chair: Margarita Landeros, California State University - Dominguez Hills
Are Mathematics Teacher Assignments Equitable? An Analysis of the Qualifications of Mathematics Teachers by Course Level
Kristian Edosomwan, Texas A&M University
Lynette O’Neal, Texas A&M University
Miriam Marie Sanders, Texas A&M University
“Are They Really on Track?” A Hierarchical Linear Modeling Analysis of Texas
Mathematics Tracking Practices
John A. Williams, Texas A&M University
Beyond Test Scores: Dimensions of Tracking and Socio-Emotional Learning
Paul Hanselman, University of California - Irvine Amy Gong Liu, University of California - Irvine
Covert Tracking: Exploring the Relationship
Between Elementary IEP (Individual
Education Plan) Strategies and Secondary Tracking
Katherine E. Barron, York University
Robert Stewart Brown, Toronto District School Board Gillian Parekh, York University
Exploring the Heterogeneous Effects of Eighth-Grade Algebra Enrollment on Average Math Achievement
Jierui Li, University of Chicago
Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room
Celebrations and Challenges in Detracking Implementation Across the United States
In concert with a local university’s coalition for equity and excellence, the Tracking and Detracking SIG aims to offer a workshop session for practitioners and researchers interested in detracking implementation. The session’s panelists will briefly discuss their own work in implementing and/or studying detracking initiatives across the United States. Attendees will then have the opportunity to ask questions or bring specific scenarios
to the group for further discussion.
Chair: Dayna Muniz, Temple University
Discussant: Kristian Edosomwan, Texas A&M University Symposium Participants:
Understanding Detracking Through a CRT (Critical Race Theory) Lens
Shannon Holder, Central Connecticut State University Mathematics Detracking at "Franklin High" Lolita A. Tabron, University of Denver
Richard Kitchen, University of Wyoming
School Leadership for Detracking
Margaret Thornton, Rowan University
Detracking in Action in the San Fransisco Bay Area
Lydia Cuffman
Friday, April 12th
North Penn High
Site Visit:
We will visit a school beginning detracking by removing their
School, 1340 S.
Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale, PA
Floor: Lobby Level 1pm: Option to purchase lunch at The
The Mulberry
1835 Arch St
Philadelphia, PA 19103
lowest track. We will observe classrooms, meet teachers and students, and offer our own feedback to the school based on our visit. There will be an optional gathering for lunch at The Mulberry after we return from our visit. Note that advanced
registration and payment is required.
For more information contact Margaret Thornton at thorntonm@rowan.edu.
Saturday, April 13th
Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 402
Racialized Tracking: Interrogating the Structures, Culture, and Policies That Produce Inequality
Paper Session:
Chair: Daniel Moraguez, Florida State University Discussant: Samina Hadi-Tabassum, Elmhurst University Papers:
College Prep Participation: A Census of Racial Equity and Disparity Across American High Schools
Heather E. Price, Learning Policy Institute
“No Space for Race”: Advanced Placement as a Racialized Organization and a Culture Trap
Suneal Kolluri, University of California - Riverside Race and the Politics of Access to Advanced Coursework in North Carolina: A Case Study
Constance Clark, Teachers College, Columbia University Tracking Tracks: How School Policies, Procedures, and Leadership Approaches Impact Students’ Opportunity to Learn Math
Meredith Wronowski, University of Dayton
Why We Don’t Talk About Tracking in Higher Education and Why We Should
Amy Elizabeth Stich, University of Georgia
Sean Baser, University of Georgia & State Higher Education Executive Officers Association
Collin Case, University of Georgia
Hunter V.J. Jones, University of Georgia
Ananya Malik, University of Georgia
Tracking and Detracking SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Join us for our business meeting at the Philadelphia
Meeting Starts
Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4,
Room 415
Reception to
(Appetizers on Us)
Join us at:
Harper’s Garden 31 South 18th Street
Marriott. After we conclude (around 7:30pm) we will head over to Harper's Garden for our reception - appetizers on us!
Thank you to our social sponsors!
Call for Submissions for our First Publication Insert: For our Spring Newsletter, we will be adding a special insert - a publication containing your submissions! We would like to feature work from anyone who would like to write a 500 (approximate) word summary of their AERA presentation (or a speaker session, panel, event, roundtable they attended... or interesting conversation in the lobby they had) about their research or that relates to the tracking/detracking research are welcome to submit. We would like to gauge interest in offering this type of opportunity to publish for our members. If you have any questions or would like to submit, please email constance.clark@tc.columbia.edu.