SIG Bylaws


Article I: Name

The name of the special interest group (SIG) is Mixed Methods Research.

Article II: Affiliation

The Mixed Methods Research SIG is part of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and, as such, pays dues to AERA and participates in the AERA Annual Meeting.

Article III: Governing Authority

The Mixed Methods Research SIG shall be governed by the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Mixed Methods Research SIG bylaws shall not conflict with the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of AERA.

Article IV: Purpose

The purpose of the Mixed Methods Research SIG is to promote and maintain discussions about mixed methods research in education as well as to generate and disseminate knowledge about mixed methods research. The Mixed Methods Research SIG will also represent the field of educational research in dialog and collaboration with other social science fields promoting the appropriate application of mixed methods research. Pursuant to these purposes, the Mixed Methods Research SIG may elect to publish its own journal and hold occasional meetings or conferences to supplement the AERA Annual Meeting.

Article V: Membership

Section 1 – Eligibility. Membership in the Mixed Methods Research SIG shall be open to any dues-paying member of AERA who supports the purposes of the SIG and pays the appropriate SIG dues. In addition, individuals who are not members of AERA are welcome to join the SIG as long as they support the purposes of the SIG and pay the appropriate SIG dues.

Section 2 – Duration. Membership in the Mixed Methods Research SIG will last 1 or 2 years depending on which option members choose when paying SIG dues through the AERA Central Office[1] using the appropriate AERA form[2]. For AERA members, membership will expire at the same time as membership in AERA expires. For non-members of AERA, membership expires 1 or 2 years following payment of SIG dues, depending on the option chosen when paying SIG dues.

Section 3 – Voting Rights. All Mixed Methods SIG members, regardless of AERA affiliation, in good standing (up to date with SIG dues) shall be entitled to one vote in all SIG matters, including (but not limited to) election of SIG officers. Voting for any SIG matter may take place via postal mail, e-mail, web, or in person at the AERA Annual Meeting as determined by SIG officers.

Section 4 – Dues. Dues for the Mixed Methods SIG are set by the SIG officers at the conclusion of the AERA Annual Meeting each year. Dues may be modified by a majority vote of all SIG members in good standing.

Article VI: Officers

Section 1 – Eligibility. All Mixed Methods SIG members in good standing are eligible to serve as officers of the SIG.

Section 2 – Offices. Officers of the Mixed Methods SIG shall include: (1) Chair, (2) Vice-Chair/Program Chair, (3) Secretary-Treasurer, (4) Newsletter Editor, and (5) Past-Chair. New offices may be created by the SIG officers with input and approval by vote of the SIG membership. Members to assist these officers or to carry out other work for the SIG may be appointed by the Chair.

Section 3 – Terms. In relation to officer terms, a “year” shall commence immediately following the AERA Annual Meeting and expire at the end of the subsequent AERA Annual Meeting. The Chair shall serve for 2 years. The year immediately following his/her term as Chair, he/she shall serve as Past-Chair for 2 years. The Vice-Chair/Program Chair shall serve for 2 year. Immediately following his/her term as Vice-Chair/Program Chair, he/she moves into the Chair position for 2 years. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for 2 years. This term may be cut short if the Secretary-Treasurer is elected to the Vice-Chair/Program Chair position during his/her 2-year term; if this happens, a new Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected to serve a full 2-year term. No officer may serve in the same office for more than 3 years (per AERA regulations).

Section 4 – Election Procedures. Each year prior to the AERA Annual Meeting, the Chair shall appoint, in consultation with all SIG officers, a Nominating Committee of no less than 2 and no more than 4 Mixed Methods SIG members in good standing. The Nominating Committee is charged with selecting its own Chair and then nominating Mixed Methods SIG members to fill any office to be vacated at the next AERA Annual Meeting. Nominations shall be presented to the SIG membership for voting by postal mail, e-mail, or web at least six weeks prior to the start of the AERA Annual Meeting. Ballots shall be returned to the Chair of the Nominating Committee at least two weeks prior to the start of the AERA Annual Meeting. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall inform the current and newly elected officers of the election outcomes at least one week prior to the start of the AERA Annual Meeting. Any ties shall be decided by a coin flip by the Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Section VII: Duties of Officers

Section 1 – All Officers. All elected and appointed officers of the SIG are required to attend the SIG Business Meeting held in conjunction with the AERA Annual Meeting each year. 

Section 2 – Chair. The Chair shall be responsible for overseeing the general administration of the Mixed Methods SIG and act as a liaison between the SIG and AERA. The Chair shall preside over any Officer Meetings as well as the SIG Business Meeting at the AERA Annual Meeting at which his/her term expires. The Chair shall appoint a Nominating Committee for officer elections each year. The Chair shall appoint members to assist the officers or to carry out additional work of the SIG.

Section 3 – Vice-Chair/Program Chair. The Vice-Chair/Program Chair shall organize the SIG program for the AERA Annual Meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, acting as program liaison between the SIG and AERA, assigning all paper proposals submitted in accordance with AERA guidelines for review, announcing acceptance/rejection of proposals to the proposing members, assigning Session Chairs and Discussants for each SIG session, and planning the SIG Business Meeting. The Vice-Chair/Program Chair is responsible for maintaining an accurate count of proposals submitted and accepted for the AERA Annual Meeting and reporting that information to the officers and SIG membership.

Section 4 – Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for all communication to the SIG membership. The Secretary-Treasurer shall monitor and maintain a SIG listserve. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the liaison between the SIG and AERA for matters pertaining to membership lists and financial records. The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide the Nominating Committee with names of eligible SIG members for election. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain a current e-mail list of all SIG members in good standing, either as part of or in addition to the SIG listserve. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as primary contact for any disbursement of SIG funds necessary for the administration or functioning of the SIG. The Secretary-Treasurer shall report the total number of SIG members and the financial status, including all financial transactions during the prior year, of the SIG at each AERA Annual Meeting.

Article VIII: Meetings

Section 1 – Annual Meetings. There shall be one SIG business meeting held at each AERA Annual Meeting. The time and place of this meeting is the responsibility of the Vice-Chair/Program Chair. The agenda for this meeting is the responsibility of the SIG Chair, in consultation with all SIG officers.

Section 2 – Governing Procedure. Issues of procedure not covered by these By-Laws shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order (Revised).

Article IX: Ratification and Amendments

Section 1 – Ratification. These By-Laws shall take effect after a two-thirds vote of those SIG members voting by postal mail, e-mail, web, or in person at a SIG business meeting.

Section 2 – Amendments. All proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted to the SIG officers for review at least four weeks prior to the AERA Annual Meeting. All proposed amendments shall then be disseminated to the SIG membership via e-mail at least two weeks prior to the AERA Annual Meeting. All proposed amendments shall be voted on either by postal mail, e-mail, web, or in person at the AERA Annual Meeting as determined by the SIG Chair.

Article X: Discontinuation

In the event that the purpose of the Mixed Methods SIG is fulfilled by another organization within AERA or is unable to maintain the required membership to be affiliated with AERA, the Mixed Methods SIG shall be discontinued by a two-thirds vote of the members of the SIG. Should the SIG discontinue, its assets shall be used to pay all outstanding debts and obligations of the SIG. Any remaining funds shall be donated to AERA.