Welcome from the Chair

Welcome to Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning (TACTL) SIG! TACTL has been in service for 22 years now and continues to grow as a strong scholarly community dedicated to preparing teachers to be agents of change in a technology-driven world. 

It is an honor to serve as the 2024-2025 SIG chair along with our talented and dedicated officers, and to continue and build upon the good work done by prior SIG leadership. I hope that those of you who attended the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia found the TACTL SIG activities at the conference to be beneficial.

The purpose of the TACTL SIG  is twofold: (1) to promote the development and evaluation of pre-service and in-service programs intended to transform teacher education, and (2) to prepare technology-proficient educators to meet the needs of 21st-century learners. 

Aligning with the SIG purpose, TACTL is also interested in exploring how social justice can be realized at the intersection of teaching, learning, and technology.  Members and visitors conducting such lines of research are encouraged to submit proposals to TACTL to present at the AERA annual meeting. 

I also invite and encourage all members and visitors to join or renew their membership with our SIG and participate in the scholarly and social activities of the SIG. As our members, you will be added to our listserv and receive information related to conferences, publications, or awards. Members are also welcome to promote their publications, jobs, or scholarly events via our listserv or social media. Please join us on Facebook and Twitter.

This year, our SIG will aim to increase membership engagement activities for both graduate students and regular members. We will also work to update our SIG mission statement to reflect the current trends and needs in our field. 

I thank all our members for your continued support and welcome all our new and old friends to this TACTL family. I look forward to seeing you all at the 2025 AERA Annual Meeting in Denver! 

Ai-Chu Elisha Ding, PhD




Below are the TACTL By-Laws approved in 2021.

TACTL Bylaws 2021