Message from SIG Chair
Message from SIG Chair
SIG Chair

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Welcome to the Narrative Research SIG. My name is Dr. Amy Boniface and it is my pleasure to serve as your Chair. 

My hope is to support the exchange of information among those interested in informing and rethinking stories of experience through a variety of narrative research studies with participants in a variety of educational settings. 

Narrative research requires us to dive deeply into the complexities of experiences of others in a relational practice and knowing our own story allows us to be receptive to the stories of others. Narrative research goes beyond simply incorporating a story into the research. It involves analysis as a way to identify threads and points of connection between several stories or unpacking single stories to more deeply understand the complexities of experience. 

I invite you to join the conversation about how narrative researchers can utilize narrative research methodologies in ways that not only sustain our own practice but make a difference in teachers’ and students’ lives.